Cloud app use SDK to communicat with webclient. Send and recevive binary or string message.
SDK support Lark Server verison >=
- XR_SUCCESS success
- XR_ERROR_INTERFACE_FAILED cant bind socket port
- XR_ERROR_SERVER_UNSUPPORT render server dont support datachannel
- XR_ERROR_PARAM param illegal
- XR_ERROR_OPREATION operate error
LARKXR_API void DC_CALL lr_client_register_taskstatus_callback(on_taskstatus taskstatus,void* user_data = NULL);
- Des
Regist callback to get client connect state and taskid.
- Param
on_taskstatus: callback when state change.
user_data: user data pass to the callback.
LARKXR_API int DC_CALL lr_client_start(const char* taskid, on_connected cb_connected,on_data cb_data,on_disconnected cb_disconnected,void* user_data);
- Des
Start connect create resource and set callback.
- Param
- taskid: option for old version. canbe null ptr.
- on_connected: callback when connected, must not be null.
- on_data: callbcak when recive data from client, must not be null.L
- on_error: callback when something wrong, must not be null.
- user_data: user data pass to the callback.
LARKXR_API int DC_CALL lr_client_send(enum data_type type, const char* data, size_t size);
- Des
Send string or binary data to client.
- Param
- type: data type, string or binary
- data: data ptr
- size: data size (string contain '\0' C type length)
- Return 0 success or < 0 failed.
LARKXR_API void DC_CALL lr_client_stop();
- Des: stop datachannel.
- Des:
Regis Aivoice callback.
- Param
- on_aivoice_callback: callback when got Aivoice data.
struct AiVoicePacket {
bool url; //true :online audio url(mp3) .false: audio pack (pcm)
unsigned int voice_id; //voice ID
const char* online_url; //if url = true url here or null
int url_size; //url size contain end \0
const char* nlg; // aivoice conversation text.
int nlg_size; // conversation text size, contain end \0
// if url=false, pcm package data here
unsigned int slice_id; // voice slice ID
int samples_per_sec; //eg.16000
int channels; //eg.1
const char* audio; //data ptr,if url = true null
int size_byte; //data byte size
bool last_packet; //is last package