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@mlbones666 mlbones666 released this 25 Nov 08:45

This release support custom fee recipient address for private mainnet.

Upgrade steps:

  1. Run cd dvf
  2. Run git pull to update files, especially docker-compose-operator-mev.yml
  3. Change IMAGE_TAG to v3.5.0-mainnet in .env file
  4. Add CONFIG_CONTRACT_ADDRESS=07FA0F7f3C67e4cdE0FC23A072dcD712CF9a06C1 in .env file
  5. Recreate the operator: sudo docker compose -f docker-compose-operator-mev.yml up --force-recreate -d operator

Note: Users need to register validators and then set fee recipient address in the "my account" page. Fee recipient addresses will be set as the same under one owner address.