Implementation of a Chat Server in Java using threads.
- real time messaging between users
- very simplistic Bot which broadcasts a sample message to all users
- users can locally play Dungeons of Doom, a turn based command line game
After compiling all files, run "java ChatServer" to start the server.
Note that the default port of the server is 14001 and the IP address is "localhost".
If you want to specify a different port, use -ccp as a command line argument.
To connect as a user, run "java ChatClient"
To connect the bot to the chat, run "java ChatBot"
Note that for both the client and the bot, the default IP address used when connecting to the server
is "localhost" and the port is 14001. To change the IP address, use -cca as a command line argument and
to change the port, use -ccp.
- type "hey Quacky" to recieve the sample message from the bot
- type "/disconnect" to disconnect from the server
- type "/play DoD" to play the game locally
To close the server, type "EXIT" in the server's terminal.