Basically, a test project to brush up on my skills and compare various performances, primarily MySQL and server combination vs Firebase Realtime DB/Cloudstore , and hopefully Flask vs NodeJs/React combination in future
The Flask app needs a few configurations to run locally :
- Use pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create a new project at the Firebase console. Note down the credentials and save the credentials file
- Use set (Windows) and export (Linux/MAC)
- Likewise, use set/export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<path-to-credentials-file> as might be necessary.
More instructions coming soon!
- Signup/Login with hashed password
- Uploading images with image preview, text and description
- Viewing all uploaded images
- Global feed to see images from other users
- Users can delete images and modify image descriptions
- Follow users and generate a custom feed out of them
- Favourite images and save them locally
- Hashtag/Title based search
- Revamping the UI (primarily introduce load on scroll)
- Reduce network requirements by loading in phases
- Use a caching layer (Memcached/Redis)
- Write a robust configuration file so that user doesn't need to manually configure the FireBase project
- Deploy on Heroku
I don't have much up right now, so have a look at the error page with the classic CS50 (The course which sparked my interest in Web Development) cat 😄