- RPiLamp is project for control leds via raspberry and esp
- In our project we use Raspberry PI 3+ and ESP8266 NodeMCUv2. On Raspberry we installed apache server and we placed there website for control leds.
- Arduino app 1.8.9
- We shoud connect raspberry and esp to the same network.
- We need load esp/esp8266x.ino add additional libraries like Adafruit Neopixels and WS2812 FX Library for Arduino and ESP8266 to Arduino.
- For run dashboard we firstly need insall core packages and compile files. After compile we shoud change path in files from absolute "/" to relative "./" and send /build directory to raspberry server.
- Add Cron to planning turn on/off the leds
- Separate core files to our library
The MIT License (MIT)
Sebastian Siejek & Dawid Smalc
The project was conducted during the Microprocessor Lab course held by the Institute of Control and Information Engineering, Poznan University of Technology.