This repository holds the TemaTres
Dockerfile to be used with
the docker-compose
configuration in
There you will find an example configuration and more information about the actual
start-up process.
This image is based on alpine and populates a docker volume with the application TemaTres Vocabulary Server.
The build process comprises few steps.
First update the package sources and install curl, wget and unzip (line 5).
Pull the current stable version of the application from the latest release
using curl
(lines 10-13), unzip and delete the downloaded file. Afterwards
rearrange the folder structure.
Copy to the root directory of the image to enable the setup process of the database connection on container startup.
To make sure, that the TemaTres files are not overridden by a volume but
populate a volume as expected, we make /opt/tematres
' content available to the
outside world.
During container start there are several mandatory and optional environment variables available to connect to an existing database. The following descriptions are a slightly enhanced versions of the documentation taken from TemaTres GitHub-Repo.
: The only mandatory environment variable to set is the password for
the MySQL user to write to the specified database table.
This list mentions the default value if not explicitly specified differently.
: Select driver to use can be mysqli, postgres, oci8, mssql, and more.SERVER = tematres_mysql
: Dirección IP o nombre del servidor - IP Address or qualified name of the database server. Use the container name in Docker context.DBNAME = tematres
: Nombre de la base de datos Database name.DBLOGIN = tematres
: Nombre de usuario - login. Use the MySQL username for the specified database.DBPREFIX = vocab_
: Prefijo para tablas. Prefix for tables.