Hi, everyone we are group of 5 members and we cloned a website hellobonsai in our construct week at Masai School.All the features you see in our project from login to logout page like create client,remove client,create project,remove project,add task and update or delete task all are maintened from our Backend which is deployed on heroku.
- Homepage, Pricing and Revies page:- Prashant Kumar.
- SignUp & login page :- Anikat Anil Rasal.
- Dashboard and Tasks page:- Urvashi Sohaliya.
- Client Page with features to add new client :- Madhusudan Prajapat.
- Project page with individual project page:- Prashant giri.
In this project we used following tech stacks:-
To deploy this project run
npm install
npm run start
If you have any feedback or queries, please reach out to us at [email protected].