PMDCollab is a project created to benefit the PMD creator's community as a whole. We partner with PMD Projects that contribute to the greater PMD fandom, such as open source fangames, fan-projects with contributions, romhacks with open resources or communities built to create them. By pooling resources together and making them freely available, we can improve the PMD community at large!
Projects that have been created or helped by our efforts include:
- SpriteCollab/SpriteBot
- NotSpriteBot
- DTEF Documentation
- Lookup tables for PMD2 VFX and SFX
Our partners include:
- SkyTemple
- PMDCollab Guild
- Mystery Mail
- DreamNexus
The PMDCollab channel hosted in the SkyTemple discord is used for all partners to convene and coordinate group efforts, while the partnered projects typically have their own servers. Anyone can take part in discussion in the PMDCollab channel, whether they are a part of these projects or not.
If you have a PMD project, you can apply for partnership there. Your project must be not-for-profit and be willing to provide resources to the public.