Test Deployment (Classic) and (Modern)
Sencha CMD v7.3.0.19
Run locally
cd app-classic
sencha app watch
cd app-modern
sencha app watch
A script is used to handle an extra build step where the app directories are copied to the build project unminified for displaying code in the source tabs.
Build a single app:
cd sencha-examples/ # the workspace
./sencha_cmd classic production
# outputs to ./build/production/classic
./sencha_cmd modern production
# outputs to ./build/production/modern
To build all apps:
Supported parameters:
If empty or exluded in url they will default to true
?toolbar =[false|true] (hides/shows)
&description =[false|true] (hides/shows)
&navigation =[false|true] (collapses/expands)
&source =[false|true] (collapses/expands)
&demo =[false|true] (collapses/expands)
- Hide Everything except the example: ../app-{toolkit}/?toolbar=false&description=false&source=false&navigation=false
- Collapsed Navigation and Source Code: ../app-{toolkit}/?toolbar=true&description=true&source=false&navigation=false
Live examples: https://codepen.io/Trozdol/pen/GRoEeZO
model/ - dont use
store/ - dont use
readme.md - description and any info that might be handy.
data.json - a copy of any static data used.
SomeExampleStore.js - Ext.data.Store (usually)
SomeExampleStoreModel.js - Ext.data.Model
SomeExampleView.js - Ext.grid.Panel (classic)
SomeExampleViewModel.js - Ext.app.ViewModel
SomeExampleViewController.js - Ext.app.ViewController
When you create a new view package and reload the app the new view should automatically
be added to the navigation on startup. This is done in the main/MainViewController.js
The requires
array is used by the Demo app in a less traditional way. It determines
which JS files are includeded in the Source Code panel in the app. The readme.md
files are assumed to be present and added on when the navigation data is
requires: [
You can't use the build versions of the app for deployment. They need to be in a non minified state so for now just publish the entire workspace.
sencha generate app [email protected] -classic Demo app-classic
sencha generate app [email protected] -modern Demo app-modern
sencha generate view -n="someexample.SomeExampleView" -b="Ext.grid.Grid";
sencha generate view -n="someexample.SomeExampleStore" -b="Ext.data.Store";
sencha generate view -n="someexample.SomeExampleStoreModel" -b="Ext.data.Model";
touch \
app/view/someexample/readme.md \
# or just copy one that already exists to new location
cd app-classic
sencha app build -dev && sencha app watch
cd app-modern
sencha app build -dev && sencha app watch