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Running PHPCheckstyle with ANT

tchule edited this page Oct 28, 2014 · 1 revision

To run PHPCheckstyle with ANT we need to launch a PHP cli.

This can be done using the "exec" task of ANT.

Sample ANT file :

<project name="PHPCheckstyle" default="phpcheckstyle" basedir=".">

            Static Analysis tool for PHP.

        <!-- Test the environment -->
	<target name="targetCheck">
		<condition property="isUnix">
				<os family="unix" />
		<condition property="isWindows">
				<os family="windows" />

        <!-- Launch PHP CheckStyle on Windows -->
	<target name="_phpcheckstylewindows" depends="targetCheck" if="isWindows">
		<exec executable="./phpcheckstyle.cmd" dir=".">

	<!-- Launch PHP CheckStyle on Unix -->
	<target name="_phpcheckstyleunix" depends="targetCheck" if="isUnix">
		<chmod file="./" perm="ugo+rx" />
		<exec executable="./" dir=".">

	<!-- Launch PHP CheckStyle-->
	<target name="phpcheckstyle" description="Launch PHP CheckStyle" depends="_phpcheckstylewindows, _phpcheckstyleunix">


The script files can look like this :


echo "PHP Checkstyle script"
php run.php --src ./test --outdir ./checkstyle_result --config default.cfg.xml --format html,xml --linecount

echo "PHP CheckStyle script"
php run.php --src ./test --outdir ./checkstyle_result --config default.cfg.xml --format html,xml --linecount

PHP Syntax Check

You can also use ANT to launch a syntax check using the CLI command "php -l". Thanks to Manuel Pichler :

 <target name="checkphp">
    <apply executable="php" failonerror="true">
      <arg value="-l" />
      <fileset dir="source/src">
        <include name="**/*.php" />