Cross Platform C# Xamarin Formatted Text Label control enabling to add own tags [b][/b] or similar to HTML tags <b><b><H1></H2> to format text in any size and font
Android and iOS are currently supported
Droid: add to MainActivity.cs at the very start of OnCreate:
iOS: add to Main.cs at the very start of Main:
// TOP OF OnCreate/Main
// first param determines whether throw exception if specific tag is lacking
FormatConfig.Init(true, '[', ']');
- adjust config in FormatConfig.cs - for iOS you must keep given if-style pattern to make nesting work properly
- use control within xaml like:
// namespace
// later in content
<ft:FormattedLabel Text="Welcome [i]W[b]elc[/b]om[b]e[/b][/i] [b]t[i]o[/i][/b] [b][i]Xama[/i]rin[/b] [b][i]Forms[/i][/b]!"
HorizontalOptions="Center" />