##A standalone Gauge component for Adobe Flex 4.
Skinnable, somewhat stylable and quite flexible. Though lots of stuff is still hardcoded. There are probably bugs too. I know it doesn't really work for negative max values, yet.
See a demo here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3259215/gauge-demo/gaugetestflash.html View source is enable in the demo so you can see how the component is used.
###Quick howto use this in your Flex 4 project: Clone (or, preferably, fork-then-clone) this project and then import it into Flash Builder. It should get imported as a Flex Library project. Then you have at least two options:
- Add the gauge library project to the Build Path of the project you need the gauge in.
- Build the library project and copy the resulting swc-file out of the bin/ folder and put it in the libs/ folder of your gauge-needing project.
Option 1 is to prefer I'd say, because then you can much easier follow what's going on in the debugger, fix bugs in the gauge and such. Option 2 assumes you have a standard setup project with a library folder called libs/ setup in your projects Build Path.
###Keep your fork in sync If you fork this repository and still want to keep your fork in sync with any bug fixes/changes in this repo that I either make myself or pull in from pull requests from others; This is the easiest way I have found:
- Add this repository as a remote upstream to the clone of your fork:
git remote add upstream https://[email protected]/PEZ/FlexGauge.git
- Then fetch from upstream:
git fetch upstream
- Whenever you want to merge in any changes in the main repo:
git merge upstream/master
That last step is assuming you want to merge the master branch of course, but that's the only branch there is yet anyway. =)
###Origins The gauge is based on this work by Smith & Fox. Which in turn was based on the now famous Degrafa Gauge by Thomas Gonzales.