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Quick Start

builderpepc edited this page Mar 3, 2022 · 3 revisions

Setting up CurfewBot is quite simple.
Make sure you have administrator permissions in your server before trying these commands.

First, let's enable logging. Logging is important in case something goes wrong with a lockdown or reopening. You may be able to restore your server to its normal state.
If you don't have a server log channel already, create one. Then, use the commands below.
/config logs setchannel #your-log-channel-here
/config logs toggle
/config logs get
You should now see a message that says logging is enabled in the channel you chose.

Next, we'll configure the roles. Does your server have a Member role? Maybe a Verified role? If there's any roles in your server that most of your members have that grants them channel access in the server role settings (not channel overwrites), you should do the following for each of those roles:
/config target-roles add @your-role-here
This should only be used on roles that many members have with the View Channels permission enabled in the role settings. Otherwise, there is no use to this.

Are there any roles present in a lot of channels that should still have access to those channels during lockdowns? Maybe your bot roles or staff roles? For each of those roles, run the following command:
/config ignored-roles add @your-role-here
Each of the ignored roles will not have their overwrites affected in any channel during lockdowns. This makes lockdowns and reopenings faster, by the way!

Are there any channels you want to still be visible during lockdown? Maybe your rules channel? For each of those channels, use the following command:
/config ignored-channels add #some-channel-here

Finally, we'll enable the synced calendar. This is the automatic lockdown/reopen feature. Try these commands:
/config calendar toggle
/config calendar get
You should now see a message that says automatic lockdowns and reopenings are enabled.

That's all! You might want to look at the full reference guide to read about the more complicated configuration options. If you have any questions, reach out to the developers.

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