copyright | lastupdated | ||
2018-08-13 |
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{: #mft_intro}
For many organizations, the exchange of files between business systems remains a common and important integration methodology. Files are the simplest unit of data to exchange and often represent the lowest common denominator for an enterprise infrastructure.
Although the exchange of files is conceptually simple, doing so in the enterprise is a challenge to manage and audit. This difficulty is brought into clear focus when an organization needs to perform file transfer with a different business organization, perhaps using a different physical network, with different security requirements, and perhaps a different governance or regulatory framework.
IBM® MQ File Transfer Edition provides an enterprise-grade managed file transfer capability that is both robust and easy to use. MQ File Transfer Edition exploits the proven reliability and connectivity of MQ to transfer files across a wide range of platforms and networks. MQ File Transfer Edition takes advantage of existing MQ networks, and you can integrate it easily with existing file transfer systems.
You can find more information at IBM Knowledge Centre
MQ Advanced supports running MFT Agents in docker containers and this guide will help you setup MFT for docker, run MFT agents in containers and also run a successful file transfer using MFT agents running in containers.
{: #mft_containers_prereq}
- Install Docker
- Clone the repository mqmft-container into your computer:
- Open a new command-shell and navigate to home path
On Linux: cd /home On Windows: cd %HOMEDRIVE%
- Clone the current repository into mqmft-container directory
HTTPS: git clone
- Open a new command-shell and navigate to home path
- Download from IBM Fixcentral into mqmft-container/agent/ Note: has to be in same path as Dockerfile-agent.
{: #mft_containers_customizations} We will add few customizations that would simplify the configuration of MFT for coordination queue manager and agent setup. Note: These custimization are only needed to simplify the MFT configuration. The same steps, that are set of mqsc commands, can be executed on base mq image directly using docker exec.
Configuring MFT Coordination Queue manager: 1.1 Coordination manager requires set of system queues and topics to be created, this is one time activity. 1.2 Agents will need a SVRCONN channel using which they can communication with MQ queue manager. This SVRCONN channel has to be setup with appropriate CHLAUTH/CONNAUTH rules. This guide creates a new channel MFT_SVRCONN and setup CHLAUTH/CONNAUTH rules such that any user with a valid password can connect to queue manager. 1.3 available in mqmft-container/server directory is aimed at simplifying this configuration.
- mqmft-container/server/setupQMForMFTAgents.mqsc : MQSC script file that has definations for new resources.
New Agent Setup: Every MFT Agent needs set of system queues to be created on the coordination queue manager. 2.1 available in mqmft-container/server/ directory is aimed at simplifying this configuration
- mqmft-container/server/createAgent.mqsc: MQSC file that has definitions for creating new queues for Agent.
2.2 mqmft-container/server/ available in server directory is to remote the agent resuorces from the coordination manager. This is to be executed if an mft agent has to be deleted.
- deleteAgent.mqsc: MQSC script file that has definitions for delete Agent's resouces on coordination queue manager.
All the cutomizations (.sh and .mqsc) files are copied into /etc/mqm/mft/ path of the container.
{: #mft_containers_cqm_setup}
- Open a command shell and navigate to path of mqmft-container/server. For example /home/mqmft-container/server(on Linux) or C:\mqmft-container\server(on Windows).
- Run a docker command to make sure docker is setup and docker service is running
First command will print docker information and second command will list all the available containers in your docker environment.
docker version docker ps -a
- Create a new customized mq image
docker build -t mqadvmft -f dockerfile-server
- Once the docker build is successful, run a new container of it, which is queue manager in container. This queue manager is to be used as coordination queue manager.
docker run --env LICENSE=accept --env MQ_QMGR_NAME=QM1 --publish 1414:1414 --publish 9443:9443 --detach --name=QM1 mqadvmft
- Run the below command to list the docker containers, find newly created container QM1 and make a note of its container-id.
docker ps
- Setup the QM1 as coordination queue manager. Running the script will create required configuration.
Successful run of this script completes queue manager configuration for MFT.
docker exec -ti <QM1-container-id> /etc/mqm/mft/
{: #mft_containers_agent_setup}
Agent package contains a dockerfile-agent to build the MFT agent docker image. MFT Agent is setup and started as part of the script. This package assumes a single queue manager(QM1) as coordination queue manager, command queue manager and agent queue manager. Note: As per your application architecture, you can consider to have separate queue managers for coordination, command and agents.
Copy the MFT redistributable package: to the Agent directory. For example
On Linux: /home/mqmft-container/agent On Windows: %HOMEDRIVE$\mqmft-container/agent
Open a command shell and navigate to path of mqmft-container/agent repository. For example /home/mqmft-container/server(on Linux) or C:\mqmft-container\server(on Windows).
Build mft agent image.
docker build -t mftagentredist -f dockerfile-agent
We will create two agents as part of this document to demonstrate mft agents in container. These agents are AGENTSRC and AGENTDEST. As a first step of agent configuration, we have to create their congfiguration on coordination queue manager.
docker exec -ti <QM1-container-id> /etc/mqm/mft/ AGENTSRC docker exec -ti <QM1-container-id> /etc/mqm/mft/ AGENTDEST
- QM1-Container-id is the id of the queue manager container created in above section.
- script requires MFT agent name as input parameter
Once the docker-agent build is successful, run a new container of it, which is agent in container.
docker run --env MQ_QMGR_NAME=QM1 --env MQ_QMGR_HOST=<docker-host-ip> --env MQ_QMGR_PORT=1414 --env MQ_QMGR_CHL=MFT.SVRCONN --env MFT_AGENT_NAME=AGENTSRC -d --name=AGENTSRC mftagentredist docker run --env MQ_QMGR_NAME=QM1 --env MQ_QMGR_HOST=<docker-host-ip> --env MQ_QMGR_PORT=1414 --env MQ_QMGR_CHL=MFT.SVRCONN --env MFT_AGENT_NAME=AGENTDEST -d --name=AGENTDEST mftagentredist
- : Is the IP Address of the docker host. This could be found out by running
docker inspect
command and look for ipv4address field. - MQ_QMGR_NAME=QM1: Is the queue manager we created and configured as coordination queue manager in above section.
- mftagentredist: Is the docker image of mft redistributable agents.
- : Is the IP Address of the docker host. This could be found out by running
Run the below command to list the docker containers, find newly created containers AGENTSRC, AGENTDEST and make a note of their container-ids.
docker ps
Check if the mft agents accept commands and show output. For example, run following command on Agent containers
docker exec -ti <AGENTSRC-container-id> fteListAgents docker exec -ti <AGENTDEST-container-id> fteListAgents
If both the containers show the Agents information, that confirms Agent's running in containers and accepting commands.
To verify the Agent setup, use following command to list the container logs
docker logs <AGENTSRC-container-id> docker logs <AGENTDEST-container-id>
{: #mft_containers_filetransfer_demo}
We will create a text file on AGENTSRC that will be transferred to AGENTDEST. We then transfer this file using the fteCreateTransfer command.
- Open a command shell and run the docker command to list all the containers. Check that newly created containers(QM1,AGENTSRC and AGENTDEST) are running.
docker ps
- Create a text file on AGENTSRC for file transfer.
docker exec -ti <AGENTSRC-container-id> bash -c "echo 'Hello World' >> /tmp/file.txt"
- Check if the file is created on AGENTSRC
docker exec -ti <AGENTSRC-container-id> bash -c "cat /tmp/file.txt"
- Check that file doesn't exist on AGENTDEST.
Note: Since the transfer.txt file doesn't exist on AGENTDEST, above command may result in an error. This error can be ignored for now.
docker exec -ti <AGENTDEST-container-id> bash -c "cat /tmp/transfer.txt"
- Run the file transfer command to transfer newly created file (file.txt) to AGENTDEST.
docker exec -ti <AGENTSRC-container-id> fteCreateTransfer -p QM1 -sa AGENTSRC -sm QM1 -da AGENTDEST -dm QM1 -df /tmp/transfer.txt /tmp/file.txt
- Wait for couple of seconds and check if file is transferred to AGENTDEST.
Note: If the output of above command is Hello World, that confirms file transfer is complete and successful.
docker exec -ti <AGENTDEST-container-id> bash -c "cat /tmp/transfer.txt"
{: #mft_containers_vol}
Docker provides a mechanism to mount a file system path onto the docker container. Basically, all the files available on the path are accessible via the mounted path in the docker container. This filesystem mount facility is very useful for MFT, as any changes to mounted path can be used to trigger a file transfer.
Below steps guide you to create a host path as mount on to the container and then access a file system of host via the mount to transfer files in it to a destination agent.
{: #mft_containers_vol_setup}
- Open a new command-shell or you can use any existing to create a sourcefile diretory that can be mounted on source agent container and a destinationfile directory that can be mounted on a destination agent container.
On Computer running Source Agent: mkdir -p /home/mqmft-container/sourcefiles On Computer running Destination Agent: mkdir -p /home/mqmft-container/destinationfiles
- Create a file that can be transferred
echo "Hello World" > /home/mqmft-container/sourcefiles/sourcefile.txt
- Check the file created
cat /home/mqmft-container/sourcefiles/sourcefile.txt
- Output of above command should print contents of file(ex: Hellow World)
- You may now close the command-shell or continue to use it for next section below.
Open a new command shell or use existing. Run following command to list running containers.
docker ps
- Make a note of QM1 container-id.
Navigate to path of mqmft-container/agent repository. For example /home/mqmft-container/agent(on Linux) or C:\mqmft-container\agent(on Windows).
We will create two agents as part of this excercise to demonstrate mft agents in container with a host path mounted. These agents are AGENTSRCVOL and AGENTDESTVOL. As a first step of agent configuration, we have to create their congfiguration on coordination queue manager.
docker exec -ti <QM1-container-id> /etc/mqm/mft/ AGENTSRCVOL docker exec -ti <QM1-container-id> /etc/mqm/mft/ AGENTDESTVOL
- QM1-Container-id is the id of the queue manager container created in above section.
- script requires MFT agent name as input parameter
Run new containers of AGENTSRCVOL and AGENTDESTVOL using mft docker image, which are agents in container.
docker run -v /home/mqmft-container/sourcefiles:/home/mft/hostSourceFiles --env MQ_QMGR_NAME=QM1 --env MQ_QMGR_HOST=<docker-host-ip> --env MQ_QMGR_PORT=1414 --env MQ_QMGR_CHL=MFT.SVRCONN --env MFT_AGENT_NAME=AGENTSRCVOL -d --name=AGENTSRCVOL mftagentredist docker run --v /home/mqmft-container/destinationfiles:/home/mft/containerDestinationFiles --env MQ_QMGR_NAME=QM1 --env MQ_QMGR_HOST=<docker-host-ip> --env MQ_QMGR_PORT=1414 --env MQ_QMGR_CHL=MFT.SVRCONN --env MFT_AGENT_NAME=AGENTDESTVOL -d --name=AGENTDESTVOL mftagentredist
- : Is the IP Address of the docker host. This could be found out by running
docker inspect
command and look for IPAddress field. - MQ_QMGR_NAME=QM1: Is the queue manager we created and configured as coordination queue manager in above section.
- mftagentredist: Is the docker image of mft redistributable agents.
- : Is the IP Address of the docker host. This could be found out by running
Run the below command to list the docker containers, find newly created containers AGENTSRCVOL and AGENTDESTVOL and make a note of their container-ids.
docker ps
Check if the mft agents accept commands and show output. For example, run following command on Agent containers
docker exec -ti <AGENTSRCVOL-container-id> fteListAgents docker exec -ti <AGENTDESTVOL-container-id> fteListAgents
If both the containers show the Agents information, that confirms Agent's running in containers and accepting commands.
To verify the Agent setup, use following command to list the container logs
docker logs <AGENTSRCVOL-container-id> docker logs <AGENTDESTVOL-container-id>
{: #mft_containers_vol_demo}
We will now transfer the file /home/sourcefiles/sourcefile.txt to the destination agent and verify the if the file exists on destination agent system after file transfer.
Open a new command shell or use any existing and run the docker command to list all the containers. Check that containers (QM1,AGENTSRCVOL and AGENTDESTVOL) are running.
docker ps
Check that file we want to transfer doesn't exist on AGENTDESTVOL (on both host path and mounted path)
On Host file-system path: docker exec -ti <AGENTDESTVOL-container-id> bash -c "cat /home/mqmft-container/destinationfiles/containertransfer.txt" On Container file-system path: docker exec -ti <AGENTDESTVOL-container-id> bash -c "cat /home/mft/containerDestinationFiles/containertransfer.txt"
Note: Since the containertransfer.txt file doesn't exist on AGENTDESTVOL, above command may result in an error. This error can be ignored for now.
Run the file transfer command to transfer file (/home/sourcefiles/sourcefile.txt) to AGENTDESTVOL.
docker exec -ti <AGENTSRCVOL-container-id> fteCreateTransfer -p QM1 -sa AGENTSRCVOL -sm QM1 -da AGENTDESTVOL -dm QM1 -df /home/mft/containerDestinationFiles/containertransfer.txt /home/mft/hostSourceFiles/sourcefile.txt
Wait for couple of seconds and check if file is transferred to AGENTDESTVOL.
docker exec -ti <AGENTDESTVOL-container-id> bash -c "cat /home/mqmft-container/destinationfiles/containertransfer.txt"
- If the output of above command is Hello World, that confirms file transfer is complete and successful.
- In the fteCreateTransfer command, we mentioned -df to mount path on container where-as after the file transfer was complete, we printed file contents from host path of that mount. This demonstrates that mounted volumes from host to container give a powerful mechanism to trigger file transfer using mft monitors.
{: #mft_containers_conclusion}
As part of this document we have created a customized MQ image for MFT, started MFT agents in containers and demonstrated that file transfer runs between the agents in containers and transferred file exists in destination agent.