Learning about Ionic Technoly
Need to install -node v10.16.1 -ionic 4.7.1 -angular 8.1.2
Use Ionic Serve
- command: ionic serve
/*public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(PedroSpringApplication.class, args);
String teste = "Teste";
Map<String, Integer> vehicles = new HashMap<>();
vehicles.put("BMW", 5);
vehicles.put("Mercedes", 3);
vehicles.put("Audi", 4);
vehicles.put("Ford", 10);
//String searchKey = "JJJ";
if (vehicles.containsKey("Ford"))
System.out.println("Found total " + vehicles.get("Ford") + " " + "Ford" + " cars!\n");
// Clear all values.
// Equals to zero.
System.out.println("After clear operation, size: " + vehicles.size());