An implementation of the approximate marginal GP.
Garnett, R., Osborne, M., and Hennig, P. Active Learning of Linear Embeddings for Gaussian Processes. (2014). 30th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2014).
Suppose we have a Gaussian process model on a latent function f:
p(f | \theta) = GP(f; \mu(x; \theta), K(x, x'; \theta)),
where \theta are the hyperparameters of the model. Suppose we have a dataset D = (X, y) of observations and a test point x*. This function returns the mean and variance of the approximate marginal predictive distributions for the associated observation value y* and latent function value f*:
p(y* | x*, D) = \int p(y* | x*, D, \theta) p(\theta | D) d\theta, p(f* | x*, D) = \int p(f* | x*, D, \theta) p(\theta | D) d\theta,
where we have marginalized over the hyperparameters \theta. The approximate posterior is derived using he "MGP" approximation described in the paper above.
This code is only appropriate for GP regression! Exact inference with a Gaussian observation likelihood is assumed.
This MGP implementation uses numerical gradients, in order to allow any choice of kernel(s).
This is research-grade code!
- numpy
- GPy -
- numdifftools -
Prediction with the MGP class work similar to GPy.models.GPRegression:
gp = GPy.models.GPRegression(X, Y, kern=kernel)
# Provide location of likelihood hps in model.param_array for now
mgp = MGP(gp, lik_idx=np.array([-1]))
mu_star, var_star = mgp.predict(x_star)
gp - an instance of GPy.models.GPRegression. Should work with most kernels.
lik_idx - np.ndarray containing indexes of model.param_array corresponding to likelihood hps
Ahsan Alvi 2015 asa[at]