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add redcap_users_export()
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wibeasley committed Sep 16, 2018
1 parent f546c0e commit 2299a56
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Showing 8 changed files with 299 additions and 3 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ export(redcap_project)
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion NEWS
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Minor New Features:
* `read_metadata()` always returns `character` vectors for all variables. With readr 1.2.0, some column were returned differently than before. (#193)
* 'raw_or_label_headers' now supported (Thanks Hatem Hosny - hatemhosny, #183 & #203)
* 'export_checkbox_labels' now supported (#186)
* `redcap_users_export()` now included (#163)
* 'forms' now supported for `redcap_read()`, `redcap_read_oneshot()`, & `redcap_read_oneshot_eav()`(#206). It was already implemented for `redcap_metadata_read()`.
* If no records are affected, a zero-length *character* vector is returned (instead of sometimes a zero-length *numeric* vector) (#212)
* New function (called `constants()`) easily exposes REDCap-specific constants. (#217)
Expand All @@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ Minor New Features:
Modified Internals:
* All interaction with the REDCap server goes through the new `kernal_api()` function, which uses the 'httr' and 'curl' packages underneath. Until now, each function called those packages directly. (#213)
* When converting REDCap's CSV to R's data.frame, `readr::read_csv()` is used instead of `utils::read.csv()` (Issue #127).
* updated to readr 1.2.0 (#200). This changed how some data variables were assigned a data types
* updated to readr 1.2.0 (#200). This changed how some data variables were assigned a data types.
* uses `odbc` package to retrieve credentials from the token server. Remove RODBC and RODBCext (#188). Thanks to @krlmlr for error checking advice in
* `data.table::rbindlist()` replaced by `dplyr::bind_rows()`
* the checkmate package inspects most function parameters now (instead of `testit::assert()` and `base:stop()` ) (#190 & #208).
Expand Down
139 changes: 139 additions & 0 deletions R/redcap-users-export.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
#' @name redcap_users_export
#' @export
#' @title List authorized users.
#' @description List users authorized for a project.
#' @param redcap_uri The URI (uniform resource identifier) of the REDCap project. Required.
#' @param token The user-specific string that serves as the password for a project. Required.
#' @param verbose A boolean value indicating if `message`s should be printed to the R console during the operation. The verbose output might contain sensitive information (*e.g.* PHI), so turn this off if the output might be visible somewhere public. Optional.
#' @param config_options A list of options to pass to `POST` method in the `httr` package. See the details below. Optional.
#' @note
#' *From the REDCap 8.4.0 Documentation*:
#' This method allows you to export the list of users for a project,
#' including their user privileges and also email address, first name, and last name.
#' Note: If the user has been assigned to a user role, it will return the user with
#' the role's defined privileges.
#' @return a \code{\link[utils:packageDescription]{utils::packageVersion}}.
#' @examples
#' uri <- ""
#' token <- "06DEFB601F9B46847DAA9DF0CFA951B4"
#' result <- REDCapR::redcap_users_export(redcap_uri=uri, token=token)
#' result$data_user
#' result$data_user_form

redcap_users_export <- function( redcap_uri, token, verbose=TRUE, config_options=NULL ) {
# version_error <- base::package_version("0.0.0")

checkmate::assert_character(redcap_uri , any.missing=F, len=1, pattern="^.{1,}$")
checkmate::assert_character(token , any.missing=F, len=1, pattern="^.{1,}$")

token <- sanitize_token(token)
verbose <- verbose_prepare(verbose)

post_body <- list(
token = token,
content = 'user',
format = 'csv'

col_types <- readr::cols(
username = readr::col_character(),
email = readr::col_character(),
firstname = readr::col_character(),
lastname = readr::col_character(),
expiration = readr::col_date(),
data_access_group = readr::col_character(),
data_access_group_id = readr::col_character(),
design = readr::col_logical(),
user_rights = readr::col_logical(),
data_access_groups = readr::col_logical(),
data_export = readr::col_character(),
reports = readr::col_logical(),
stats_and_charts = readr::col_logical(),
manage_survey_participants = readr::col_logical(),
calendar = readr::col_logical(),
data_import_tool = readr::col_logical(),
data_comparison_tool = readr::col_logical(),
logging = readr::col_logical(),
file_repository = readr::col_logical(),
data_quality_create = readr::col_logical(),
data_quality_execute = readr::col_logical(),
api_export = readr::col_logical(),
api_import = readr::col_logical(),
mobile_app = readr::col_logical(),
mobile_app_download_data = readr::col_logical(),
record_create = readr::col_logical(),
record_rename = readr::col_logical(),
record_delete = readr::col_logical(),
lock_records_all_forms = readr::col_logical(),
lock_records = readr::col_logical(),
lock_records_customization = readr::col_logical(),
forms = readr::col_character()

# This is the important line that communicates with the REDCap server.
kernel <- kernel_api(redcap_uri, post_body, config_options)

if( kernel$success ) {
try (
# readr::spec_csv(kernel$raw_text)
ds_combined <- readr::read_csv(file=kernel$raw_text, col_types=col_types)

# Remove the readr's `spec` attribute about the column names & types.
attr(ds_combined, "spec") <- NULL

ds_user <- ds_combined %>%

ds_user_form <- ds_combined %>%
dplyr::select_("username", "forms") %>%
tidyr::separate_rows(.data$forms, sep=",") %>%
col = "forms",
into = c("form_name", "permission"),
sep = ":",
convert = FALSE
) %>%
permission = as.logical(as.integer(.data$permission))
silent = TRUE #Don't print the warning in the try block. Print it below, where it's under the control of the caller.

if( exists("ds_user") & inherits(ds_user, "data.frame") ) {
outcome_message <- paste0(
"The REDCap users were successfully exported in ",
round(kernel$elapsed_seconds, 1), " seconds. The http status code was ",
kernel$status_code, "."
kernel$raw_text <- "" # If an operation is successful, the `raw_text` is no longer returned to save RAM. The content is not really necessary with httr's status message exposed.
} else {
kernel$success <- FALSE #Override the 'success' determination from the http status code.
ds_user <- data.frame() #Return an empty data.frame
ds_user_form <- data.frame() #Return an empty data.frame
outcome_message <- paste0("The REDCap user export failed. The http status code was ", kernel$status_code, ". The 'raw_text' returned was '", kernel$raw_text, "'.")
} else {
ds_user <- data.frame() #Return an empty data.frame
ds_user_form <- data.frame() #Return an empty data.frame
outcome_message <- paste0("The REDCap user export failed. The error message was:\n", kernel$raw_text)

if( verbose )

return( list(
data_user = ds_user,
data_user_form = ds_user_form,
success = kernel$success,
status_code = kernel$status_code,
outcome_message = outcome_message,
elapsed_seconds = kernel$elapsed_seconds,
raw_text = kernel$raw_text
) )
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions _pkgdown.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ reference:
- redcap_next_free_record_name
- redcap_metadata_read
- redcap_users_export
- redcap_variables
- redcap_version

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion inst/misc/example.credentials
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ redcap_uri,username,project_id,token,comment
"","myusername","977","F304DEC3793FECC3B6DEEFF66302CAD3","Clinical Trial (Fake) --Read-only, contributed by @higgi13425"
"","myusername","0","---","Clinical Trial (Fake) --read & write, contributed by @higgi13425"
"","myusername","998","124CA60A870CAA85394FE9E00EB8EFE7","nonnumeric record_id"
"","myusername","999","06DEFB601F9B46847DAA9DF0CFA951B4","nonnumeric record_id"
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions man/redcap_users_export.Rd

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

114 changes: 114 additions & 0 deletions tests/testthat/test-users-export.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
context("Users Export")

credential_1 <- REDCapR::retrieve_credential_local(
path_credential = system.file("misc/example.credentials", package="REDCapR"),
project_id = 999

credential_2 <- REDCapR::retrieve_credential_local(
path_credential = system.file("misc/example.credentials", package="REDCapR"),
project_id = 153

test_that("smoke test", {
returned_object_1 <- redcap_users_export(redcap_uri=credential_1$redcap_uri, token=credential_1$token, verbose=T)
returned_object_2 <- redcap_users_export(redcap_uri=credential_2$redcap_uri, token=credential_2$token, verbose=T)

test_that("with DAGs", {
expected_outcome_message <- "The REDCap users were successfully exported in \\d+(\\.\\d+\\W|\\W)seconds\\. The http status code was 200\\."
expected_data_user <- structure(
list(username = c("dwells", "unittestphifree", "wbeasleya"
), email = c("[email protected]", "[email protected]",
"[email protected]"), firstname = c("Donna", "Unit Test",
"Will"), lastname = c("Wells", "PHI Free", "Beasley_A"), expiration = structure(c(20334,
NA, NA), class = "Date"), data_access_group = c("dagb", "daga",
NA), data_access_group_id = c("332", "331", NA), design = c(FALSE,
FALSE, TRUE), user_rights = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), data_access_groups = c(FALSE,
FALSE, TRUE), data_export = c("2", "1", "1"), reports = c(FALSE,
FALSE, TRUE), stats_and_charts = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), manage_survey_participants = c(TRUE,
TRUE, TRUE), calendar = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), data_import_tool = c(FALSE,
FALSE, TRUE), data_comparison_tool = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), logging = c(FALSE,
FALSE, TRUE), file_repository = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), data_quality_create = c(FALSE,
FALSE, TRUE), data_quality_execute = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), api_export = c(FALSE,
TRUE, TRUE), api_import = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), mobile_app = c(FALSE,
FALSE, TRUE), mobile_app_download_data = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE
), record_create = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), record_rename = c(FALSE,
FALSE, FALSE), record_delete = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), lock_records_all_forms = c(FALSE,
FALSE, FALSE), lock_records = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), lock_records_customization = c(FALSE,
FALSE, FALSE)), row.names = c(NA, -3L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl",
expected_data_user_form <- structure(
list(username = c("dwells", "unittestphifree", "wbeasleya"
), form_name = c("demographics", "demographics", "demographics"
), permission = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl",
"data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, -3L)

regexp = expected_outcome_message,
returned_object <- redcap_users_export(redcap_uri=credential_1$redcap_uri, token=credential_1$token, verbose=T)

expect_equivalent(returned_object$data_user , expected=expected_data_user , label="The returned data.frame should be correct") # dput(returned_object$data_user);
expect_equivalent(returned_object$data_user_form, expected=expected_data_user_form, label="The returned data.frame should be correct") # dput(returned_object$data_user_form)
expect_equal(returned_object$status_code, expected=200L)
expect_equivalent(returned_object$raw_text, expected="") # dput(returned_object$raw_text)
expect_match(returned_object$outcome_message, regexp=expected_outcome_message, perl=TRUE)
# system.file("misc/example.credentials", package="REDCapR")

# expect_equal_to_reference(returned_object$data, file=system.file("test-data/project-simple/variations/default.rds", package="REDCapR"))
# expect_equal_to_reference(returned_object$data, file="./test-data/project-simple/variations/default.rds")
test_that("with DAGs", {
expected_outcome_message <- "The REDCap users were successfully exported in \\d+(\\.\\d+\\W|\\W)seconds\\. The http status code was 200\\."
expected_data_user <- structure(
list(username = c("unittestphifree", "wbeasleya"),
email = c("[email protected]", "[email protected]"
), firstname = c("Unit Test", "Will"), lastname = c("PHI Free",
"Beasley_A"), expiration = structure(c(NA_real_, NA_real_
), class = "Date"), data_access_group = c(NA_character_,
NA_character_), data_access_group_id = c(NA_character_, NA_character_
), design = c(FALSE, TRUE), user_rights = c(FALSE, TRUE),
data_access_groups = c(FALSE, TRUE), data_export = c("1",
"1"), reports = c(TRUE, TRUE), stats_and_charts = c(TRUE,
TRUE), manage_survey_participants = c(TRUE, TRUE), calendar = c(TRUE,
TRUE), data_import_tool = c(FALSE, TRUE), data_comparison_tool = c(FALSE,
TRUE), logging = c(FALSE, TRUE), file_repository = c(TRUE,
TRUE), data_quality_create = c(FALSE, TRUE), data_quality_execute = c(FALSE,
TRUE), api_export = c(TRUE, FALSE), api_import = c(FALSE,
FALSE), mobile_app = c(FALSE, FALSE), mobile_app_download_data = c(FALSE,
FALSE), record_create = c(TRUE, TRUE), record_rename = c(FALSE,
FALSE), record_delete = c(FALSE, FALSE), lock_records_all_forms = c(FALSE,
FALSE), lock_records = c(FALSE, FALSE), lock_records_customization = c(FALSE,
FALSE)), row.names = c(NA, -2L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl",
expected_data_user_form <- structure(
list(username = c("unittestphifree", "unittestphifree",
"unittestphifree", "wbeasleya", "wbeasleya", "wbeasleya"), form_name = c("demographics",
"health", "race_and_ethnicity", "demographics", "health", "race_and_ethnicity"
), permission = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, -6L)

regexp = expected_outcome_message,
returned_object <- redcap_users_export(redcap_uri=credential_2$redcap_uri, token=credential_2$token, verbose=T)

expect_equivalent(returned_object$data_user , expected=expected_data_user , label="The returned data.frame should be correct") # dput(returned_object$data_user);
expect_equivalent(returned_object$data_user_form, expected=expected_data_user_form, label="The returned data.frame should be correct") # dput(returned_object$data_user_form)
expect_equal(returned_object$status_code, expected=200L)
expect_equivalent(returned_object$raw_text, expected="") # dput(returned_object$raw_text)
expect_match(returned_object$outcome_message, regexp=expected_outcome_message, perl=TRUE)
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion utility/refresh.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,11 +14,13 @@ devtools::run_examples(); #This overwrites the NAMESPACE file too
# devtools::run_examples(, "redcap_read.Rd")
test_results_checked <- devtools::test()
test_results_checked <- devtools::test(filter = "read-oneshot-eav")
test_results_checked <- devtools::test(filter = "next-free.*$")
test_results_checked <- devtools::test(filter = "users.*$")
# testthat::test_dir("./tests/")
test_results_not_checked <- testthat::test_dir("./tests/manual/")

# devtools::check(force_suggests = FALSE)
# devtools::check_rhub(email="[email protected]")
# devtools::build_win(version="R-devel") #CRAN submission policies encourage the development version
# devtools::revdep_check(pkg="REDCapR", recursive=TRUE)
# devtools::release(check=FALSE) #Careful, the last question ultimately uploads it to CRAN, where you can't delete/reverse your decision.

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