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Opetushallinnon tutkintoon ilmoittautuminen

A system for registering to an examination session and keeping records of student results and payments.

Technologies & Frameworks

Below is non-exhaustive list of the key technologies & frameworks used in the project.

  • Java 11
  • Node
  • Clojure
  • Leiningen
  • Ragtime
  • Duct
  • Re-frame
  • PostgreSQL



See file for instructions for setting up the local development environment.


The application uses Duct framework which is based on Component framework. This means, that the application configuration and component dependencies are managed in external edn files.

The main configuration file is /resources/oti/system.edn. This contains configuration shared by all environments. This configuration is augmented (and overwritten) by environment specific config files. For local development environment these include /dev/resources/dev.edn and /dev/resources/local.edn (which is ignored by git).

Server configuration is created during deploy by filling the variables in the Ansible template /oph-configuration/config.edn.template.

URLs for accessing other OPH services are stored in /resources/oti/


The registration / participant app supports Finnish and Swedish. The translated strings are fetched from OPH localisation service on application start-up. Doing a GET request to /oti/api/participant/translations/refresh will reload the translations from the service.

The category for the strings is "oti".

Email templates

The application sends HTML emails through OPH messaging service. The emails are constructed from templates located in /resources/oti/email-templates. Localised email subjects are in a Clojure map in the file email-subjects.edn. This file must contain a valid data structure in the following format:

{:some-email-template-id {:fi "Subject in Finnish"
                          :sv "Subject in Swedish"}
 :another-template-id    {:fi "Subject in Finnish"
                          :sv "Subject in Swedish"}}

Base template used for all emails is in the file email-base.html. Template specific HTML markup is in files named after the template id and language, e.g. Email construction is handled in the namespace

The messaging service will strip any <style> elements and links to external stylesheets (which aren't supported by all email services anyway), so styling has to be done inline in element attributes.


Migrations are handled by ragtime. Migration files are stored in the resources/migrations directory, and are applied in alphanumeric order.

To update the database to the latest migration, open the REPL and run:

dev=> (migrate)
Applying 20150815144312-create-users
Applying 20150815145033-create-posts

To rollback the last migration, run:

dev=> (rollback)
Rolling back 20150815145033-create-posts

Note that the system needs to be setup with (init) or (go) before migrations can be applied.


This project has several generator functions to help you create files.

To create a new endpoint:

dev=> (gen/endpoint "bar")
Creating file src/foo/endpoint/bar.clj
Creating file test/foo/endpoint/bar_test.clj
Creating directory resources/foo/endpoint/bar

To create a new component:

dev=> (gen/component "baz")
Creating file src/foo/component/baz.clj
Creating file test/foo/component/baz_test.clj

To create a new boundary:

dev=> (gen/boundary "quz" foo.component.baz.Baz)
Creating file src/foo/boundary/quz.clj
Creating file test/foo/boundary/quz_test.clj

To create a new SQL migration:

dev=> (gen/sql-migration "create-users")
Creating file resources/foo/migrations/20160519143643-create-users.up.sql
Creating file resources/foo/migrations/20160519143643-create-users.down.sql

Keep dependencies up-to-date

The project includes the lein-ancient plugin for finding outdated dependencies.

Find out which deps are outdated by running:

lein ancient

Then, carefully upgrade outdated dependencies.


Commits pushed to master and develop branches will cause a build to happen in Bamboo. A successful build can be deployed to the different environments via the Bamboo GUI.

Health check

OTI provides two URLs for checking the application status. The path /oti/version will show the build number and the git commit revision of the running application. The path /oti/health will check that the database connection is working, and if so, respond with OK.

Maintenance tips for test environment

Removing all participants and their registrations and payments from database:

delete from registration_exam_content_section;
delete from registration_exam_content_module;
delete from payment;
delete from registration;
delete from accredited_exam_section;
delete from accredited_exam_module;
delete from email;
delete from participant;

Removing all exam sessions from database:

delete from exam_session;


Copyright © 2016 The Finnish National Board of Education - Opetushallitus

This program is free software: Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon as they will be approved by the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");

You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the European Union Public Licence for more details.