OpenXT repo tool manifest
You will need to have repo tool installed in your build environment. Follow the directions from AOSP to install it.
❗ See Development Environment1 on how to setup development workspace.
Using repo you will now stage your development workspace. See Directory layout for details.
mkdir openxt-workspace
cd openxt-workspace
repo init -u
repo sync
Install GHC8 for building OpenXT Haskell componnents.
tar -xf ghc-8.10.7-x86_64-deb10-linux.tar.xz
rm ghc-8.10.7-x86_64-deb10-linux.tar.xz
pushd ghc-8.10.7
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
make install
popd && rm -rf ghc-8.10.7
Set up a build instance named quickstart that will be located in the directory build-quickstart. After following these steps your shell will be in the build directory with all the necessary environment variables configured to start building and developing OpenXT component and VM images.
openxt/bordel/bordel -i quickstart config --no-repo-branch
source build-quickstart/build-env