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Originally a COMP371 W21 OpenGL project featuring various models and OpenISS dynamic null skeleton tracking

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New in Programming Assignment 3

  • OpenISS skeleton tracker integration
  • Multi-light shadows

Building & Running

Building Dependencies

  • cmake >= 3.17.0
  • C++ >= 14

Manual Build Steps (Windows/MacOS/Linux)

cd <project_root>
cmake -S . -B cmake-build
cmake --build cmake-build --target install
cd dist

Additional Flags:

  • -G: Specifies output format, for example: -G "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" to build a clion compatible project or -G Xcode
  • -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: to specify a build type, for example: -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug or -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

Importing Project into an IDE

Visual Studio

In Visual Studio 2017 with the Visual C++ tools for CMake component installed:

  1. Open project: File -> Open-> CMake... -> Select CMakeLists.txt in file browser
  2. Startup item should be SunRay.exe


In VSCode with the CMake and CMake Tools extensions installed:

  1. Open project folder, ask CMake extension to setup for an appropriate compiler (should support C++14)
  2. Set SunRay as build target and run target


  1. Open project folder in clion
  2. Tweak any cmake / c++ configurations options you may need
  3. Target & Executable should be SunRay


  1. Run cmake -G Xcode -S . -B cmake-xcode to generate an xcode project file
  2. Open ./cmake-xcode/SunRay.xcodeproj
  3. Set target to SunRay and build

Controls (Programming Assignment 3)

A user interface is provided.

Controls (new in Programming Assignment 2)

  • X to toggle textures
  • B to toggle shadows
  • Spacebar to teleport model to a random position on the grid
  • N to cycle through the shear direction, starts at Y
  • F/G/C/V (uppercase) control small step model shear in the direction selected by N
  • F/G/C/V (lowercase) control continuous model shear in the direction selected by N

Controls (Programming Assignment 1 & 2)

  • W/A/S/D to move camera, mouse movement to rotate camera
  • Left mouse button + mouse movement to zoom camera in/out
  • Middle mouse button + mouse movement to tilt camera
  • Right mouse button + mouse movement to pan camera
  • Left/right arrows to rotate world around its X axis, up/down arrows to rotate world around its Y axis
  • 1/2/3/4/5 to select model
  • T/L/P to set model to triangle/line/point rendering mode
  • Y/I to scale model up/down
  • U/J (uppercase) to move model up/down
  • H/K (uppercase) to move model to its left/right
  • H/K (lowercase) to rotate model about its Y axis


API docs also available.

Application Lifecycle

  • main.cpp: GLFW window & input handling + OpenGL setup.
  • World: Contains global state such as the camera and scene graph. Runs update and render loops. Manages all modules.
  • Module: Logical class that can receive inputs and update/render - every major feature is implemented as a self-contained module.


  • Camera: Abstracts camera transform and projection math.
  • LightData: Contains light source properties (for Phong lighting).
  • Material: Contains material properties (for Phong lighting).
  • Mesh: Abstracts mesh GPU buffer construction, uploading, and rendering.
  • VertexBuffer: Abstracts VBO OpenGL implementation away from mesh.
  • IndexBuffer: Abstracts IBO (EBO) OpenGL implementation away from mesh.
  • Shader: Abstracts shader compilation, linking, and uniform updates.
  • Texture: Abstracts texture loading from file and uploading to GPU.


  • Assignment1: Implements programming assignment 1 specifications.
  • Assignment2: Implements programming assignment 2 specifications.
  • Assignment3: Implements programming assignment 3 specifications.
  • FPSCamera: FPS game camera movement and orientation.
  • GroundGrid: Constructs and renders the 128x128 grid.
  • ImGuiIntegration: Integrates the ImGui UI library.
  • ModuleManagerUI: ImGui UI window that lets the user toggle modules and tests on/off.
  • OriginAxis: Constructs and renders the 3 axis lines.
  • RenderingMode: Sets OpenGL to point/line/triangle polygon mode.
  • SceneGraph: This is our hiearchical modelling system.
  • Shadows: Implements the two-pass shadow algorithm.
  • WorldOrientation: Rotates the hierarchy's root node in response to input.


  • OISkeletonTrackerAdapter: Drives a NodeSkeleton using an OpenISS skeleton tracker.


  • color.h: Utility functions for dealing with colors.
  • LoaderOBJ: Loads meshes from the .obj file format.
  • Node: Invisible member of the scene graph.
  • NodeCharacter: Member of the scene graph, renders cubes that compose a character (from ResourcesAlphabet).
  • NodeModel: Member of the scene graph, rendered using its associated mesh, shader, and material.
  • Resources: For common constants (ex unitSize and colorWhite) and resources (ex unitCube and quad).
  • ResourcesAlphabet: For loading letter/digit cube transforms from an embedded text file.


  • color: Displays vertex color.
  • lit: Blinn-Phong lighting with texturing and shadow reception.
  • shadow_cast: Outputs depth only.
  • shadowed: Displays vertex color with shadow reception.
  • textured: Displays textured surface.


  • TestAlphabet: The user can display any character model by pressing its key. Verifies that they load and render correctly.
  • TestHalfCylinder: Displays the procedurally generated half-cylinder mesh that is used for the stage in Programming Assignment 2.
  • TestImGuiIntegration: Displays ImGui's demo window.
  • TestLitShader: A scene for testing Phong lighting.
  • TestLoaderOBJ: Loads and displays a Utah teapot.
  • TestMultiLights: A scene for testing multiple active lights at the same time.
  • TestSceneGraph: Displays a nested hierarchy which generates complex movement. Verifies the hierarchical modelling system.
  • TestShapeMeshes: Displays all procedurally generated meshes, textured.
  • TestTexture: Tests the Texture wrapper class, as well as tiling textures.
  • TestUnitCube: Displays a simple rotating unit cube. This is the "hello world" of this framework.
  • TestVertexDrawing: Displays a simple rotating quad. Verifies the glDrawArrays code path (as opposed to the indexed glDrawElements code path).


Originally a COMP371 W21 OpenGL project featuring various models and OpenISS dynamic null skeleton tracking







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Contributors 4
