This example solves a finite elasticity cantilever problem, evaluates a Gauss point field of the Cauchy stresses and then fits a nodal field to the Gauss point stresses.
To run the example:
cd ./fitting_gauss_stress/src/python source /path/to/opencmisslibs/install/.../.../virtualenvironments/oclibs_pyXY_release/bin/activate python
Note: If the above fails, try the following. cd ./fitting_gauss_stress/src/python PYTHONPATH="/path/to/opencmisslibs/install/.../.../Release/opencmiss.iron" python
The example also takes a number of optional arguments, namely either
python numberOfXElements numberOfYElements numberOfZElements
python numberOfXElements numberOfYElements numberOfZElements tauSmoothingParameter kappaSmoothingParameter
where numberOfXElements, numberOfYElements and numberOfZElements are the number of elements in the X, Y and Z direction in the cantilever. tauSmoothingParameter and kappaSmoothingParameter are the Sobelov smoothing parameters for the fitting problem. tauSmoothingParameter controls the amount of tension in the fit and kappaSmoothingParameter controls the amount of curvature in the fit.
Results can be visualised by running visualise.cmgui with the Cmgui visualiser.
The following figure shows the expected results.