v4.0.2 released
Even though v4.0.2 is the regular bi-weekly patch release, it still comes with enhancements, bug fixes covering many languages. For a full list, please refer to the Pull Request page. Below please find the highlight of the changes:
- [gradle] Document consuming via gradle plugin portal #3125
- Import inner items for map #3123
- [maven-plugin] fix strictSpec parameter without alias #3095
- [core] GeneratorSettings, WorkflowSettings, and cleanup in CodegenConfigurator #2946
- Link query parameter to model object #2710
- Update C# client dependency #2678
- [ASP.Net Core] General support to add scopes for bearer authentication #1984
- [C++] [cpprestsdk] Add examples and test for cpprestsdk #3109
- [C++][Qt5] Add Q_DECLARE_METATYPE to the generated models and remove ref in signals #3091
- [C++] [Qt5] Add API timeout handling #3078
- [cpp-pistache-server] Fix wrong include path in api-header template #3062
- [C++][Qt5]Map number to double since float is also parsed as double in Qt5 #3046
- refactor(golang): Use http provided constants for http methods #3028
- [Golang][client] Allow generating go client code as a submodule #3012
- [Java][okhttp-gson] Update dependencies #3103
- [Java][jersey2] Making response headers case-insensitive #3072
- [Java][jersey2] Documentation changes and making example snippet compilable #3056
- [Java][jersey2] Fixing javadocs wark #3040
- [Java][okhttp-gson] Making API response headers case insensitive #3029
- Bump up babel-cli version to fix security alert #3121
- Mark nodejs-server as deprecated #3083
- [JavaScript] Remove default parameters syntax as it's an ES6 feature #2848
- [KOTLIN Spring] fix generation with modelNamePrefix/Suffix #3038
- [Kotlin-Spring] template fixes/improvements #3007
- [Kotlin-Spring] add reactive behavior via Kotlin coroutines #2934
- Fix rubocop obsolescence #3175
- Ruby: Avoid double escaping path items #3093
- Ruby client: escape path parameters #3039
- Idiomatic Rust returns for Error conversions #2812
- Add enum support to
and skip none option serialization in clients #2244
- [scala-play-server] Fix API doc url #3096
- [scala-play-server] Fix generated enums named after a reserved word #3080
- [typescript-fetch] add bearer token support #3097