Version 11.3.208, released with the OSP Suite 11 Update 3
- PK-Sim Portable version
MD5-Hash SHA256-Hash b35a7e90b09a08bd8cd0ce259b7e250b
- PK-Sim Installer
MD5-Hash SHA256-Hash dcdf515e7f83c947f34365dce1eea0dc
What's Changed
- Observed data mappings get duplicated when cloning a simulation
- Changing the transport direction in the expression profile is not applied in the simulation.
- Projects created with version
$\leq 10$ are sometimes not exported correctly to a snapshot with version$\geq 11$ . - Error displaying PK analysis in population simulation in some scenarios
- Create Individual: wrongly memorized age
- Unit of t1/2 in individual enzyme expression not updated when changing unit in expression profile
parameter must be created withCanBeVaried = false