This package supplies python bindings for the package aiken. The bindings are added on a per-need basis, currently only serving the development of opshin
Install python3. Then run the following command.
python3 -m pip install pyaiken
from pyaiken import uplc
# Tools for handling UPLC
### uplc.flat
# Print the hex of the CBOR encoded flat-encoding of the program in UPLC textual notation
code = uplc.flat("(program 1.0.0 (con data #01))")
# prints "490100004c0101010001"
### uplc.unflat
# Print the UPLC in textual notation from the hex of the CBOR encoded flat-encoding
code = uplc.unflat("490100004c0101010001")
# prints "(program 1.0.0 (con data #01))"
### uplc.eval
# Evaluate a UPLC program with the given arguments (all in textual representation) and cpu and memory budget (optional, in this order)
# Returns either computed UPLC value on success or thrown error on failure,
# logs generated through trace
# and the consumed cpu and memory steps
((suc, err), logs, (cpu, mem)) = uplc.eval("(program 1.0.0 (lam x x))", ["(con data #01)"], 1000000, None)
print((suc, err), logs, (cpu, mem))
# prints "('(con data #01)', None), [], (92100, 500)"
In case you need to build this package from source, install Python3 and Rust and proceed as follows.
git clone
cd pyaiken
python3 -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate # or in whichever environment you want to have it installed
pip install maturin
maturin build
The package will be installed in the active python environment.