luaromfs comprises:
- a utility
, which compresses and optionally encrypts a directory hierarchy of files either as a binary file or a C file containing a static char array and associated metadata variables. - a C library which extracts files from the ROM blob content.
- a Lua library which exposes the C functionality at a higher level, augmenting the package searchers so that require() finds Lua files within mounted ROM images.
- Lua 5.3 development files (expected in
) - zlib development files
Clone the repository and run make
, which will build the library, utility and example, running the example as the last step:
# git clone
# cd luaromfs && make
Final output:
Starting example...
This is internal_rom_src/foo/init.lua, which was embedded into the host application as a static C array.
This file was found and executed by Lua as a result of a call to require'foo'.
I will now attempt to mount from disk the file 'rom.bin' which should have been encrypted with the key 'MySecretKey'...
Mount succeeded. I will now try to require'bar'...
This is rom_bin_src/bar/init.lua, which was loaded at runtime from the file rom.bin.
This file was found and executed by Lua as a result of a call to require'bar'.