Welcome to the Komunikasi Projekt! This App will be mainly for task/Group management. It stated off as an Idea continued into a schoolprojekt, and finishes as the main Porjekt.
Some available accounts:
- None exisiting yet
After install depencies with ionic lab
command you can run the projekt in the with it Provided Phone view easily.
Mind it does Only work with the Backend which is not available to the public.
- Created with ionic-angular
- Uses Angular Material Framework for app compoments
- CSS template engine is SCSS
- Ngx Cookie Service used to handle cookies
- User ids gererated Serverbased
- Uses Template Driven Forms
- Login Page make labels red with Error
- Finish "readme" file
- Add Groupsystem
- Finish Userpage
- Finish Dashboard
- Finish Homescreen
- Add Groups to Dashboard
- Add Editing
- Add Cookies
- Finish Design
- Add pattern for passwords (disclude {}""'')
- add Profile Picture
- See to do list