The README is outdated meaning some information contained here is not updated, the same thing goes for the Wiki.
This is happening because we are planning making some huge rework on the README, so be careful with some informations when reading, maybe they are outdated.
Logo made by SirBuvex
BetterCrewLink a CrewLink fork with extra features & better support
Free, Open, Among Us Proximity Voice Chat.
Report Bug
Request Feature
Installation Instructions
Donate to BetterCrewLink
(All Donations will be used for the Apple Developer License and Extra Servers)
Donate to Ottomated (Official CrewLink)
This is an unofficial fork of CrewLink, for any problem, question, issue or suggestion you have with BetterCrewLink talk to us on our Discord, GitHub or message the developer on Discord (ThaGuus#2140), do not report any problems to The official Discord or GitHub of normal and official CrewLink as they will not help you.
We are not affiliated with CrewLink, we are just a modified/better version of the original CrewLink, so if you need help with CrewLink, we will not offer any help for you about CrewLink here, we will only help you if you are using BetterCrewLink, if you want to download BetterCrewLink look at the GitHub.
The original/normal CrewLink is now discontinued and that means the original/normal CrewLink will never be updated and will never work again, so BetterCrewLink is the only way to make your CrewLink works
- To get the most of BetterCrewLink use the Voice Server:
- About The Project
- BetterCrewLink Extra Features/Bug Fixes
- App Availability
- Supported Versions Of Among Us
- Installation
- Development
- Contributing
- Translating
- Donate
- Bugs
- Suggestions
- Questions
- License
This project is a fork of the popular Proximity Voice Chat, CrewLink, with extra features and better support. It implements Proximity Voice Chat in Among Us. Everyone in an Among Us lobby with this program running will be able to communicate over Voice In-Game, with no Third-Party programs required. Spatial audio ensures that you can only hear people close to you.
- OBS Browsersource Overlay.
- Hear People In Vision Only.
- Walls Block Audio.
- Volume Sliders.
- Public Lobby List.
- Multiple Languages.
- Better Mod Compatibility.
- It Doesn't break when Players Leave/Disconnect.
- It Works on Any Network even with UPnP Disabled. (Strict NAT)
- More Fun Settings Like Hearing Through Cameras, Impostor Radio.
- You can actually disable the Overlay.
- 32bit Support.
- Windows 7 Support.
- You can change the Volume of Alive Players after you die.
- You can set BetterCrewLink to Topmost.
- Settings Actually Sync Between Players and not Half.
- CPU Usage is Lower than Original CrewLink.
- You can actually press the Mute Key/Deafen Key while clicked on BetterCrewLink.
- Your Mouse doesn't start to Lag because of the Buggy Input Hook.
- You can play BetterCrewLink without having to be stuck in MENU Infinitely.
- Changing the Speaker Setting does actually something unlike Original CrewLink where it is always using the Default Output.
- Microphone Echo Cancellation.
- Microphone Noise Suppression.
- More Overlay Positions and you can set the Overlay to the Top/Bottom and you can set It so It shows Everyone Even When Dead.
- You can set the Lobby Up so Only Death people can talk. (Normal Lobbies but then with Death Talk)
- Support for New/Older versions of Among Us. (v2021.11.9.2)
- Support for Other Platforms. (, Play Store, App Store, Nintendo Switch, Beta, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 & XBOX Series X/S (Coming Soon)
- Support for Custom Colors/Hats/Skins. (Mods that add more Colors/Hats/Skins)
- Support for Linux.
- Support for Mobile. (iOS App Coming Soon)
If we missed something you can join in Discord server, GitHub or DM me on Discord (ThaGuus#2140) so we can add It to BetterCrewLink.
Platform | Availability? |
Windows | Available |
Linux | Available |
Android | Available |
iOS/MacOS | Available Via Web, App Available Soon! |
Bluestacks | Available |
Chrome OS | Available Via Play Store Or Web |
Nintendo Switch | Available Via Web |
Future Platforms | Availability Status |
PS4/PS5 | Coming Soon (12/14/21) |
XBOX Series X/S | Coming Soon (12/14/21) |
Game Version | Supported? |
Steam (v2021.11.9.2s) | ✔️ | (v2021.11.9.2i) | ✔️ |
Microsoft Store (v2021.11.9.2m) | ✔️ |
Play Store (v2021.11.9.2a) | ✔️ |
App Store (v2021.11.9.2o) | ✔️ |
Nintendo Switch (v2021.11.9.2n) | ✔️ |
Beta (v2021.11.9.2) | ✔️ |
Cracked | ❓ |
Future Versions | Status |
PS4/PS5 (Unknown) | Coming Soon (12/14/21) |
XBOX Series X/S (Unknown) | Coming Soon (12/14/21) |
Download the latest version from releases and run the BetterCrewLink-Setup-X.X.X.exe
file. you may get antivirus warnings, because this program hooks into the Among Us process to read game data.
To Install & Run It on Linux Run the Following Commands:
wget ""
chmod +x BetterCrewlink-Linux.AppImage
echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope
or (better option to avoid the global value for ptrace_scope)
wget ""
chmod +x BetterCrewlink-Linux.AppImage
sudo apt-get install libcap2-bin
sudo setcap cap_sys_ptrace=eip /usr/bin/wineserver
The Linux Version is thanks to the Following Contributors:
- TheGreatMcPain -> CrewLink fork, Keyboard Watcher fork, Memoryjs fork
- zbanks -> Memoryjs fork
- Donokami -> Testing And Helping
Go to category Installation In BetterCrewlink-Mobile to see how to install the Android OS Version. (Requires a PC Player)
Go to category Installation In BetterCrewlink-Mobile to see how to install the Chrome OS Version. (Requires a PC Player)
Go to category Installation In BetterCrewlink-Mobile to see how to install the BlueStacks Version. (Requires a PC Player)
Go to category Installation in BetterCrewlink-mobile to see how to install the iOS/MacOS Version. (Requires a PC Player)
Go to category Web to play Among Us with BetterCrewLink on Console. (Requires a PC Player)
You only need to follow the instructions below if you are trying to modify this software. Otherwise, please download the latest version from the GitHub releases.
Server Code is located at OhMyGuus/BetterCrewLink-server. Please use a local server for Development Purposes.
This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.
npm install yarn -g
- Clone The Repo
git clone
cd BetterCrewLink
- Install NPM Packages
yarn install
- Run The Project
yarn dev
Any Contributions you make are Greatly Appreciated.
Needed Git for Contributing.
- Fork The Project.
- Create your Feature Branch. (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes. (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch. (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request.
BetterCrewLink now officially supports other languages, that is, you can use BetterCrewLink without any problem of not understanding a part in English, but with that we need help with translations because nobody is born knowing everything languages.
Any Translations you make are Greatly Appreciated.
There are two methods.
In Crowdin
- Go To Crowdin Page.
- Search for the name of your language you want to translate.
- Click on it and start translating.
In GitHub
- Fork The Project.
- Create your translation branch.
- Go to static -> locales -> en -> translation.json and Download this file.
- Open the translation.json With Your Text Editor Of Preference.
- Edit the file but not edit these parts Like: "gamehostonly", "inlobbyonly", just translate the text.
- Create a folder with the acronym of your language that you translated with translation.json inside the folder.
- Throw everything to your fork.
- Open a Pull Request.
If you like using BetterCrewLink and want to help it stay alive and with new features, bug fixes, support for other platforms, pay for servers, donate money for the project, of course if you want and can, this is an optional choice, we currently support PayPal and Ko-fi, choose the best donation option for you and click on the image below:
Any Donations you make are Greatly Appreciated.
- Bring BetterCrewLink to iOS & Mobile progression
- US NAT FIX/Server location
- ASIA NAT FIX/Server location
If you have found any bugs, join our Discord Server and create a ticket in #🎫create-a-ticket reacting on "🎫" emoji or make a issue in GitHub Issues.
If you have any suggestions, join our Discord Server, go to the channel #🤖bot-commands and type ;suggest [your suggestion] or make a issue in GitHub Issues.
If you have any questions, see the Wiki, but if the answer to your question is not on the Wiki, join our Discord Server and ask in #✋bettercrewlink-help, do not ask your Question in GitHub Issues, we want to keep GitHub issues a place to report bugs and suggestions, without any question.
Distributed Under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See LICENSE
for more information.
This mod is not affiliated with Among Us or Innersloth LLC, and the content contained therein is not endorsed or otherwise sponsored by Innersloth LLC. Portions of the materials contained herein are property of Innersloth LLC.
© Innersloth LLC.