If you can use .NET Core, you'll be working in the aspnetcore
Follow the instructions in the ASP.NET Core section below.
For everyone else, there is a starter project based on
preboot's starter kit in the node
Follow the instructions for NodeJS below.
The aspnet
core directory is empty. We'll be scaffolding the project from scratch.
To run the scaffoling, you'll need to install NodeJS. Please
install the version marked with latest features (currently v 7+).
Once NodeJS is installed, you should be able to run the following commands to install Yeoman, the scaffolding tool.
npm install -g yo generator-aspnetcore-spa
npm install -g webpack
At this point you are now ready to create the project. Clone this repository
and cd
into the aspnetcore
directory. Then:
yo aspnetcore-spa
When asked to choose a framework, choose Angular 2.
For a project name, choose "movies".
The generator will run for a bit, then you can open the project in Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code.
For NodeJS users, simple change into the node directory then execute the following commands.
npm install
npm start
You should now have a site running that you can view in the browser.