-- 2.1.3 (2024-03-09)
- API user endpoint output changed to JSON
FEATURES - Peak number of simultaneous open connections is now tracked.
- Maximum size of client http request is now tracked.
- Number of errors (bad tracker secrets, bad client requests) is now tracked.
- Show jemalloc stats in Gazelle and Grafana report endpoints.
BUILD - refactor report functions to produce only report payload
-- 2.1.2 (2024-02-17)
- show resource usage in Gazelle and Grafana report endpoints
-- 2.1.1 (2024-02-15)
- Detabbed source code in first step towards having the code lint cleanly, no code changes
-- 2.1.0 (2024-02-11)
- announce jitter is now a uniform distribution and can be modified on the fly
-- 2.0.1 (2024-02-10)
- API torrent endpoint output changed to JSON
- API user endpoint shows more information about a user in JSON format
FEATURES - Mysql port may be specified in configuration file
- API stats report contains Ocelot version
- Queue sizes are reported in stats
- Sleep if Gazelle API is down
- Handle DB connection problems gracefully
- Add Prometheus and Grafana support
BUILD - Docker image based on Bookworm