This repository contains simple scripts to get climate finance data using ONE's climate_finance package. Data is available from the OECD and the UNFCCC, and can be presented using ONE's methodology, the OECD's CRDF reporting process, or raw UNFCCC data.
This repository outlines how to get:
- Total climate-related flows (ODA and OOFs) by donor, recipient, and reporting methodology.
- [insert name]
- [insert name]
Before going to the tutorial, you will need to set up your workspace.
To reproduce the analysis, you need python 3.11 or higher. Once you have created your repository, we recommend setting up and activating a new virtual environment to store all the dependencies required for the analysis.
To install the climate finance, run the below code in your terminal.
pip install climate_finance --upgrade
From here, you are ready to run the tutorial scripts...