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Releases: OHI-Science/ohiprep

ohiprep v2017.1: Preparation of data for 2017 Ocean Health Index global assessment

18 Dec 21:17
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This repository has data (and corresponding preparation scripts and metadata) used to calculate the OHI 2017 global assessment.

NOTE: This release is nearly 9 GB! A smaller version of this repository, which includes all the final files but no history, is available.

Citation Information

Please use the following citation format when using any data or code from the ohiprep repository:

Ocean Health Index. 2017. ohiprep v2017.1: Preparation of data for 2017 Ocean Health Index global assessment, [date downloaded]. National Center for Ecolotical Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara. Available at:

For additional information about the Ocean Health Index

ohiprep v2016.1: Preparation of data for 2016 Ocean Health Index global assessment

14 Dec 22:33
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Citation Information

Please use the following citation format when using any data or code produced by the OHI-Science team and downloaded from

Ocean Health Index. 2016. ohiprep v2016.1: Preparation of data for 2016 Ocean Health Index global assessment, [date downloaded]. National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara. Available at:

Repository Description

This repository has data (and corresponding preparation scripts and metadata) used to calculate the OHI 2016 global assessment.

For additional information about the Ocean Health Index

ohiprep v2015.1: Preparation of Data for Global Scenarios of the Ocean Health Index

28 Sep 22:03
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Citation Information

Please use the following citation format when using any data or code produced by the OHI-Science team and downloaded from

Ocean Health Index. 2015. ohiprep v2015.1: Preparation of Data for Global Scenarios of the Ocean Health Index, [date downloaded]. National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara. Available at:

Repository Description

This repository has data/scripts for preparing the data layers for the OHI 2015 global analysis ( Information needed to find the ohiprep files used to calculate the 2012-2015 Ocean Health Index is here: Within this file, dir__year_a indicates a directory within ohiprep and the fn__year_a indicates the file name for each layer. When the dir__year_a variable is prefaced with "neptune_data:", the data is not available through Github.

For additional information about the Ocean Health Index