Experimental publication sprint for Summer School 2020
Context is https://vv12.org/ groups addressing questions around migration in mediterreanian and climate. we are part of two hour workshop, part of our slot are Pirate Care https://pirate.care/ (knowledge liberation).
We are not talking part as migration or climate experts - but here to show off OCKProject and goals, ContentMine, (some openVirus) and to share our views on questions of 'knowledge liberation', access and engagement, and global south. Also mention https://openseventeen.org/summer2020/index.html
Open for people to join OCKProject working group with FORCE11 and on GitHub. (Links TBC)
60 minutes in total available: to be run casually, encourgae and canvass for questions, do live demos.
5 minutes intro COK Project - SW, all
20 minutes demo
- A preprepated custom dictionary (10 terms as Wikidata terms) on Mediterranean migration crisis with a set of standard dictionaries.
- Demo the dictionary with get papers and ami for a 100 results - people like seeing the full text download speeds
- demo - Store downloads and save to GitHub so participants can see online
- Have install and run documentation for participants to run on their own
- Have the downloads and workshop documentation from a GitHub repository made into a Jupyter Notebook that can run in My Binder - this doesn't serve a utility purpose at the moment but but down the line I'd like it that getpapers ami could be executable from Jupyter Notebooks, and be able to run visualisations and include other media to make commentries on searches.
20 PMR? (suggestions)
- ContentMine in more detail - OCKProject comments
- Tigress example
- openVirus?
- Q/A - invitation for people to join OCKProject
15 minutes Q/A - conversation
Workshop address https://vv12.org/day-one/
Wednesday, 10 June, 18:00 CEST (120 minutes, OCKProject starts at 19:00 CEST) [earlier 17:30 CEST sound check] Infrastructure for the Year to come. Bigblueroom link - https://bbb.radical-openness.org/b/adn-mag-x2p (code to be provided)
Summer School Open Syllabus by Pirate.Care / Marcell Mars, Tomislav Medak / X-Sprint and Open Climate Knowledge / Simon Worthington
X-Sprint and Open Climate Knowledge (Simon Worthington – Open Science Lab, German National Library of Science and Technology)
A practical workshop using two digital toolsets to make experimental sprint driven publications on topics that combine ecology and migrations. The workshop will involve making a publication in a day on a topic set by the group participating. Participants will learn about: visual prototyping; research PID usage; and data mining.
Research colleagues working on X-Sprints and Open Climate Knowledge are Dr Ina Blumel of TIB and advisory board Europeana, as well as Peter Murray-Rust, Chemist and Open Access pioneer.
The first toolset is termed ‘X-Sprints’. The ‘X’ refers to ways to record and capture heterogeneous social media types used in art, design and architecture such as: Sketchfab; Instagram; TikTok; Twitter, etc. The ‘Sprint’ part refers to working collaborative in real-time, together, or online, while being directed at the goal of producing as publication. An accessible FOSS workflow would be used for the sprints: WordPress using Gutenberg Blocks, DIVI Themes and Shifter static site generation and GitHub versionsing.
The second toolset is ‘Open Climate Knowledge’ and data mining of research papers. See Open Climate Knowledge (OCK) is an open research project for data mining Open Access (OA) papers related to Climate Change — to build stats on OA rates, and for researchers to use in their work. OCK is intended for researchers inside and outside of academe.Using OCK participants can search global open research databases easily to retrieve papers and make collections for sharing.The research questions are:Social Media – how to capture this ephemeral media and make it citable as part of design practice.Community science (AKA citizen science) (Reed Petty 2017) – how to make participatory workflows for the public at large. Collaborative working processes have been established for the researcher workflow but not for the public to participate in scholarship. Specifically the interest is to see how ContentMine FOSS software used in Open Climate Knowledge can be made usable in citizen science contexts.
Reed Petty, Kate. ‘Is It Time to Retire the Word “Citizen”?’ BLARB (blog), 2017.
General - build form categories here
There's a Wikipedia Category on Human Migration: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Human_migration
Then make Med migr special ones - This could be a community contribution for use by people wantingto access related research https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MENA - Create a MENA Migration Dictionary, as well as general Human Migration dictionary.
Terms from AMRO workshop:
<entry term="Global Warming" name="Global Warming"/>
<entry term="Rise of Sea Level" name="Rise of Sea Level"/>
<entry term="Sea Temperature" name="Sea Temperature"/>
<entry term="Carbon Oxide" name="Carbon Oxide"/>
<entry term="Conflict" name="Conflict"/>
<entry term="Central Mediterrean Sea" name="Centreal Mediterrean Sea"/>
<entry term="North Africa" name="North Africa"/>
<entry term="Sahara" name="Sahara"/>
<entry term="Malta" name="Malta"/>
<entry term="Italy" name="Italy"/>
<entry term="Lampedusa" name="Lampedusa"/>```
#### MENA migration Dictionary