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This repository has taken much inspiration from PHPStan and OskarStark

The image is based on Alpine Linux and built daily.

Supported tags

How to use this image


Install the container:

docker pull nyholm/roave-bc-check

Alternatively, pull a specific version:

docker pull nyholm/roave-bc-check:6.x


We are recommend to use the images as an shell alias to access via short-command. To use simply roave-bc-check everywhere on CLI add this line to your ~/.zshrc, ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile.

alias roave-bc-check='docker run -v $PWD:/app --rm nyholm/roave-bc-check'

If you don't have set the alias, use this command to run the container:

docker run --rm -v /path/to/app:/app nyholm/roave-bc-check [some arguments for Roave Backward Compatibility Check]

For example:

docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/app nyholm/roave-bc-check  --format=markdown


You may specify a config file named roave-bc-check.yaml in the root of your project. With that config file you may ignore errors.

        - '#\[BC\] CHANGED: Property Acme\\Foobar::\$bar changed default value from array#'
        - '#\[BC\] CHANGED: Property .+ changed default value#'
        - '#bar#'

Github Action

You can use it as a Github Action like this:


on: [push, pull_request]
name: Test
        name: Roave BC Check
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
            - uses: actions/checkout@v2
            - name: Roave BC Check
              uses: docker://nyholm/roave-bc-check-ga

You can copy/paste the .github folder (under examples/) to your project and that's all!

The github action is always using the latest stable release of roave/backward-compatibility-check.


Docker images are built automatically every day. They are located here: