Releases: NyaMisty/AltServer-Linux
Releases Β· NyaMisty/AltServer-Linux
AltServer-Linux, supporting Wi-Fi Refresh & custom anisette server
AltServer-Linux v0.0.5
Wi-Fi Refresh
- Install netmuxd:
- Do:
sudo apt install libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev
(or the corresponding package) - Stop original usbmuxd & Run the netmuxd (check netmuxd's readme for more instruction:
- Run AltServer-Linux
Custom Anisette Server
Many user have experienced -36607 error, which is a new Apple restriction based on Anisette Data.
To solve this, you can use you own anisette data service:
- Pull and run alt_anisette_server according to README.
- If you cannot build the server yourself, you can also ask other people to share the same server together
- Run
before AltServer-Linux each time (replace the to your server IP) - Run AltServer-Linux
AltServer-Linux, supporting Wi-Fi Refresh with netmuxd2
- Install and start netmuxd:
- Do:
sudo apt install libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev
(or the corresponding package) - Run this before starting AltServer-Linux each time
- Run AltServer-Linux
AltServer-Linux, fixed AltStore install, support iOS 14 &15
v0.0.4 [proj] Add Readme & License
AltServer-Linux, fixed AltStore install, support iOS 14 &15
v0.0.4-rc1 [ci] fix permission error in github actions
AltServer fixed for iOS 15
Thanks @jkcoxson for updating AltSign-Linux
AltServer for ARMv7 & Aarch64
Hey guys, long time since last update. I've finished my graduation and came back now.
I compiled the usbmuxd version for you, and it's working now on NanoPi.
I've tested it on NanoPi(armv7) and normal Linux with qemu-user-static (armv7/aarch64).
So you should be able to use it on Pi now ;)
NOTE1: You have to install usbmuxd and ensure it's running before all.
NOTE2: For x86 users, you can install qemu-user-static and configure binfmt_misc to run both version.
Prerelease, can only install IPA now
Use it like this:
- For iSH: (make sure you are in a WiFi network with UPnP enabled)
$ ./AltServerUPnP -u "[YourDeviceUDIDHere]" -i "[YourDeviceIPInNetwork]" -P "[YourJitterbugPairFile.mobiledevicepairing]" -a "[YourAppleID]" -p "[YourAppleIDPassword]" [IPA to install]
- For normal Linux host:
$ ./AltServer -u "[YourDeviceUDIDHere]" -P "[YourJitterbugPairFile.mobiledevicepairing]" -a "[YourAppleID]" -p "[YourAppleIDPassword]" [IPA to install]