This is a simple Web Crawler developed in Python using Mercator scheme. The code is in WebCrawler.ipynb
The URL frontier is a structure of front queues and back queues. When the crawler starts for the first time, URL frontier contains the following seed URLs.
The process is multithreaded. Each thread requests a URL from frontier when required. The process of getting data from threads while maintaining politeness and moving data from F-queues to B-queues is done according to the Mercator scheme. Prioritizer function is a stub function. URLS that go out of frontier maintained in a list. Newly encountered URL’s are en-queued after passing through URL filtering and Dup-URL elimination module. For this project we wait for 15 to 20 seconds after sending one request to send another request.
After getting one URL from frontier, we retrieve its content from the webserver.
Now we parse the content of the fetched page and retrieve all the URLS from it.
We filter the URLs, received from parser, that are restricted from its webserver. The restricted page/s are given in robot.txt file.
After filtering restricted URLS, we check if the newly extracted URLs are already crawled or not. The URLS that pass this test are added to the frontier.
We stop the process based on number of URLs, for example we stop when we have crawled 100 URLs