Module for EAV (entity attribute value) anti pattern
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist nullref/yii2-eav "*"
or add
"nullref/yii2-eav": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
Then You have run console command for install this module and run migrations:
php yii module/install nullref/yii2-eav
Pay attention that if you don't use our application template it needs to change config files structure to have ability run commands that show above.
Please check this documentation section
Add behavior to target model
use nullref\eav\behaviors\Entity;
use nullref\eav\models\attribute\Set;
use nullref\eav\models\Entity as EntityModel;
* ...
* @property EntityModel $eav
* ...
class Product extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
public function behaviors()
return [
/** ... **/
'eav' => [
'class' => Entity::class,
'entity' => function () {
return new EntityModel([
'sets' => [
Set::findOne(['code' => 'product']), //product -- set from db
Create set and attribute for it in admin panel
Add attributes widget to entity edit form
<?= \nullref\eav\widgets\Attributes::widget([
'form' => $form,
'model' => $model,
]) ?>
If you need some dynamic configuration sets of your model you can use method afterFind()
public function afterFind()
$this->attachBehavior('eav', [
'class' => Entity::class,
'entity' => function () {
$setIds = $this->getCategories()->select('set_id')->column();
$setIds[] = Set::findOne(['code' => 'product'])->id;
return new EntityModel([
'sets' => Set::findAll(['id' => array_unique($setIds)]),
In above example we have many-to-many relation product model with category which has set_id column.
Pay attention that this example could caused n+1 query problem. To prevent this problem use query caching or memoization. For example, change:
\nullref\eav\models\attribute\Set::findOne(['code' => 'product']),
\nullref\useful\helpers\Memoize::call([Set::class, 'findOne'],[['code' => 'product']]),
If you need filtering your records by eav fields you need to modify YourModelSearch::search()
method by following code:
if (!$this->validate()) {
return $dataProvider;
foreach ($this->eav->getAttributes() as $key => $value) {
$valueModel = $this->eav->getAttributeModel($key)->createValue();
$valueModel->load(['value' => $value], '');
if ($valueModel->validate(['value'])) {
$valueModel->addJoin($query, self::tableName());
return $dataProvider;
To output columns in gridview use nullref\eav\helpers\Grid::getGridColumns()
<?= GridView::widget([
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
'filterModel' => $searchModel,
'columns' => array_merge([
], \nullref\eav\helpers\Grid::getGridColumns($searchModel), [
'class' => 'yii\grid\ActionColumn',
]); ?>
To configure which columns will be shown in grid go to attribute update page and select "Show on grid" checkbox.
To add custom types you need to use type \nullref\eav\components\TypesManager
To get more details please check \nullref\eav\Bootstrap::setupManager
as example of configuring base types.
You could call \nullref\eav\components\TypesManager::registerType
at bootstrap phase and define you own types of attributes.
Method registerType
takes one argument by type \nullref\eav\models\Type
this class contains all info about particular type:
- name (unique string)
- label
- value model class (based on
) - form input class (based on
TypesManager::get()->registerType(new Type(
Yii::t('eav', 'Image'),
If you need filter EAV attributes you could use filterAttributes
and pass callable there:
'eav' => [
'class' => Entity::class,
'entity' => function () {
return new EntityModel([
'sets' => [
Memoize::call([Set::class, 'findOne'], [['code' => 'product']]),
'filterAttributes' => function ($attributes) {
$fieldCheckerService = Yii::$container->get(CheckerService::class);
$result = [];
foreach ($attributes as $code => $attr) {
if ($fieldCheckerService->isAllowedForClass(self::class, $code)) {
$result[$code] = $attr;
return $result;
And translations