The Web3 Automated AI Facial & ID Recognition KYC is fully compliant with GDPR and relevant applicable laws in terms of subject data acquirement, processing and storage etc.
All projects that obtain a KYC by the Web3 Automated AI Facial & ID Recognition process for NovoPad or as individuals that are not listing their project via Novoos will be included here.
The only way to get KYC verified is via accessing the $NOVO Web3 Automated AI Facial & ID Recognition portal and going through the process.
If you have any questions about the abovementioned process or would like to acquire more details about this, the only ways to do this is as follows:
Send an email to this email address [email protected] with the questions you may have or any other information you may require.
Contact our NovoPad KYC representative directly (The only official account).
Please ensure the username of the account is @NovoosKYC before initiating a conversation about KYC or queries relating to this subject.
You will never be contacted first by the $NOVO KYC representative first unless you initiate the conversation initially.
To KYC and badge for your project on a NovoPad listing is automated once the Web3 AI KYC verification is completed succesfully, please contact Novoos for any other related queries: KYC Request
For full information about several aspects of the KYC process and other relevant aspects, visit the whitepaper website.
Every individual or project team, dev etc. will be presented with a KYC certificate as per below with the amended details as required.