This rice was heavily stolen from inspired by elenapan , Eredarion , hisbaan and JavaCafe01.
- OS: Arch
- WM: KWin
- DE: Plasma 5.19
- Shell: bash
- Terminal: konsole/yakuake
- Editor: nvim/code
- File Manager: dolphin
- Browser: firefox
- Color Scheme: custom(aritim-dark)
- GTK Theme: Aritim-Dark-GTK
- Wallpaper: mikael-gustafsson
- Spicetify: Nord
- Noto Sans
- JetBrains Mono
- Zathura
- mpv
- mpd+ncmpcpp
- qbit
- optimus-manager
- bottom
- tldr
- delta
- exa
- tree
I maintain my dotfiles using dotbare. It's basically a wrapper program (with fzf) for the git bare repository method of handling dotfiles.
If you want to use my dots, follow these simple steps:
- Install dotbare
- Setup environment variables, for example in your
source ~/.dotbare/dotbare.plugin.bash
- Use this remote's url with dotbare
dotbare finit -u
Everything is further explained on the readme in dotbare's repo.