[Area] Data analysis, estimations, simulation, modelling etc
[Component] 9bot bms reader and battery emulator
[Problem] Issue/PR cannot be resolved until something else is. Dependency is commented.
[Org] Managing Employees, Products, Business Plans etc.
[Insight] Capacity algorithm
[Devops] CI/CD stuff, e.g. Github Actions
[Component] CLI tool for common development and operations tasks
[Component] Converts .csv battery logs to protobuf
[Patch] Pull requests that update a dependency file
[Area] Deployment declarations etc.
[Org] Improvements or additions to documentation
[Inactive] This issue or pull request already exists
[Component] EMQX worker that translates and relays battery observations from Voi to Nortical
[Org] Epic task. References multiple subtasks.
[Inactive] On hold, but not iceboxed
[Component] Analysis and metrics frontend
[Physical] Machines, Batteries etc.
Extra attention is needed
[Problem] Only for PR! Use insead of issue if urgent.
[Inactive] Will not be looked at for 3 at least months
[Insight] Impedance estimation