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Normaliz.jl Julia package

This repository contains the Normaliz.jl Julia package. It is a wrapper around Normaliz, an open source tool for computations in affine monoids, vector configurations, lattice polytopes, and rational cones.


To install this package, enter this into the Julia prompt:

using Pkg; Pkg.develop(url="")

Basic usage

Here is an example of using Normaliz.jl:

julia> using Normaliz

julia> xx = Normaliz.NmzMatrix{Normaliz.NmzRational}([1 2 ; 3 5])
2×2 Normaliz.NmzMatrixAllocated{Normaliz.NmzRational}:
 1  2
 3  5

julia> yy = Normaliz.LongLongCone( Dict( :cone => xx ) )
Normaliz cone

julia> Normaliz.get_matrix_cone_property( yy, "ExtremeRays" )
2×2 Normaliz.NmzMatrixAllocated{Int64}:
 1  2
 3  5

julia> Normaliz.get_matrix_cone_property( yy, "SupportHyperplanes" )
2×2 Normaliz.NmzMatrixAllocated{Int64}:
 -5   3
  2  -1


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