Recipe App is a simple android mobile app for managing and adding your own recipes. Get inspiration from api fetched recipes to create your own. Application also has a feature to manage your shopping list.
Fetch recipes from Spoonacular API and save your favorites to your inspiration log.
Create your own recipes with images. Add tags, and instruction with ingredients. You can also set ingredient amounts based on the serving size.
Manage your shopping list by adding ingredients and every day necessities. The focus is to have a simple UI and a user friendly feel.
To start developing:
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Open project in Android Studio
cd recipe-application
- Get your SpoonAcular API token and add it to a .properties file
To download and use the app, download and install the apk in the Release tab
This project was developed as part of the BBA Information Technology mobile development course at Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
Developed by Noora Vainionpää [email protected] Email