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Releases: NoahHenrikKleinschmidt/buildamol

BuildAMol - v.1.2.8

28 Oct 16:04
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New Extension - Molecular Factories

The new molecular_factories extension includes two classes to assemble and derive molecules combinatorially. Documentation on the new extension can be found here.

The Assembler

The Assembler class can assemble fragments from a library into molecules. This is a slightly more generic implementation of the code presented in the automated ligand-design pipeline. The class can be used to sample molecular candidates from "candidate space" (i.e., produce random molecules by combining fragments) or create molecules explicitly from an array input (useful for optimization procedures).

The Derivator

The Derivator class can create modified versions of a specified molecule, which we call derivatives, hence the name. There is also a new Tutorial that exemplifies the usage of the Derivator.

Available modifications are:

  • changing elements of atoms
  • changing bond orders
  • adding functional groups to specific positions
  • globally modifying molecules by arbitrary functions

The Derivator can sample molecular candidates just like the Assembler but, in addition, also produce all combinatorically possible derivatives given the desired modifications.

Other Notable Changes

Changes in Modifier Functions

  • amidate was wrongly named (it was doing amination, after all). Now amidate will add an amide group and aminate (new function) will add an amine group!
  • Residues added by hydroxylate are now named OH instead of HOH (the old name was causing trouble with some PDB reading software that were excluding hydroxyl groups for being "water" due to the residue name)
  • carboxylate now adheres to the standard naming scheme and calls the atoms O, OXT, and HXT (instead of the current O1, O2, H2)

Refactored Functional Groups

The functional groups (in structural.groups) received a significant refactoring. A BaseFunctionalGroup class now brings most of the generic features of functional group objects such as find_matches, but does not implement any details on the mechanics of finding these matches. This job is carried out by daughter classes. The FunctionalGroup (now a daughter of BaseFunctionalGroup) serves as the base class for groups defined explicitly by a single geometry around a central atom. The aromatic group is now handled by a separate class AromaticGroup - this was the primary reason for the refactor.

What does this mean for users/devs? If you have defined a custom functional group, check if it can still inherit from FunctionalGroup (i.e. is defined via a single geometry) or if it should inherit directly from BaseFunctionalGroup (i.e. is a little more complex like an aromatic ring).

Miscellaneous Changes

  • In-place optimization with RDKit should work now properly
  • rdkit_optimize now allows to use either mmff or uff as the force field.
  • New methods Molecule.single(...), Molecule.double(...), and Molecule.triple(...) to set bond orders more conveniently than just Molecule.set_bond_order(...)
  • Residue objects can now use name as a synonym to resname
  • is_cisand is_trans received an update that should make them more robust when it comes to symmetric molecules
  • infer_bond_orders received an update that should make it a little faster
  • other bug fixes and small performance enhancements

BuildAMol - v.1.2.6

02 Aug 12:16
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This release of BuildAMol features a small code change that makes BuildAMol now compatible with several older Python versions.

Specifically, BuildAMol should be able to run on:

  • Python 3.8 (tested on 3.8.19)
  • Python 3.9 (tested on 3.9.19)
  • Python 3.10 (tested on 3.10.14)
  • Python 3.11 (main development on 3.11.0)
  • Python 3.12 (tested on 3.12.2)

BuildAMol uses some string formatting features that make it unable to run on Python 3.7 and earlier. There are no plans to refactor the string formatting to add support for older Python versions.

BuildAMol - v.1.2.5

26 Jul 14:27
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This release of BuildAMol introduces new bioinformatics-related extensions, has a few bug fixes, and, again, slightly refactored architecture to improve compatibility across systems (see below).

New Features

  • Extended bio extension
    • The bio.proteins extension now has functions to compute phi, psi and omega angles of polypeptides.
    • New bio.glycans extension can model glycans from IUPAC string input
    • New bio.lipids extension offers functions to build:
      • fatty acids
      • triacylglycerols
      • phospholipids
      • sphingolipids
  • Protonation status can now be changed automatically when changing bond orders and setting atom charges
  • The use of Internal Coordinates (IC) when connecting molecules can now be globally disabled using dont_use_ic() (and re-enabled using use_ic()). This is useful if a given linkage with IC specifies relative coordinates for the wrong stereoisomer of a fragment molecule. Of course, Molecule.attach(..., use_patch=False) (or Molecule.stitch_attach(...)) can still be used to manually ensure that no ICs are involved in the process on an individual basis.

Technical changes

  • The base_classes are no longer part of the core package but a stand-alone module.
    The accessibility of the defined objects (Atom, etc.) has not changed. But be sure to change any direct imports to the module from
    import buildamol.core.base_classes as ...
    # or
    from buildamol.core import base_classes as ...
      import buildamol.base_classes as ...
      # or 
      from buildamol import base_classes as ... 
  • Annoying warnings from repeated built-in dataset loading are now suppressed
  • The utility progress bar utils.auxiliary.progress_bar can now use tqdm or alive_progress as backend.

Notable bug fixes

  • Coordinate bleeding when getting reference compounds from the built-in datasets is fixed now. There was an issue that coordinates between molecules were shared if they were obtained by multiple calls to get_compound or Molecule.from_compound (or the molecule function) instead of through the Molecule.copy method.
  • Fragment mirroring in Molecule.stitch_attach is fixed now. There was an issue that in some cases the rotation matrix computed in the Stitcher class contained a negative determinant leading to the source molecule being mirrored. This should now not happen anymore.

BuildAMol - v.1.2.0

05 Jul 16:28
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This update contains refactorings in the code architecture and imports to improve compatibility with different python environments.
Also, there are some small bug fixes to improve atom getting, and easier model merging for related Molecule objects.

BuildAMol - v.1.1.67

26 Jun 07:21
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The first release of the new BuildAMol successor library of Biobuild. BuildAMol comes with a great number of new features and performance enhancements. No further releases are planned for Biobuild, users are asked to switch to BuildAMol. Biobuild code should be compatible with BuildAMol in most cases, so a change of imports should suffice.

New Features

  • New Extensions package with pre-implemented workflows for molecules such as peptides, metal complexes, or nanotubes
  • New support for functional groups and pseudo-chemical reactions
  • Extended optimization suite with new environments for more versatile optimization problems
  • Optional performance enhancements with Numba and parallel computations
  • Extended visualization suite with flexible backend and a new focus on Py3DMol.
  • New methods for absolute molecule placement such as alignment to axes or superimposing to reference coordinates
  • New interface with the Stk library
  • New file format support for XML (to eventually replace JSON encoding as generic export format)
  • Ability to access atoms and other objects from multiple Molecule instances to allow more complex systems

Of course, BuildAMol also contains many bug fixes and general improvements with regard to code versatility and speed.

Biobuild - v3.10.11

03 Sep 10:41
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Biobuild is a molecular building suite designed to facilitate the creation of large biomolecules such as glycans.
It allows for an easy molecule creation process in a jupyter-notebook environment. Biobuild offers direct integrations
to PubChem, and the PDBE component library as well as the CHARMM project for pre-defined component structures and linkage types.

Biobuild allows users to:

  • build any larger molecular structure they like
  • improve the conformation of an existing structure
  • convert data formats
  • visualize the structures as they build them
  • quickly obtain molecular structures for chemical compounds

Biobuild cannot:

  • generate circular structures (users need to choose suitable templates with rings already present)
  • imitate real-life chemical reaction mechanisms
  • perform molecular dynamics or quantum chemistry computations
  • generate molecules for the user - the user needs to know what they want to build...

Example - building a dendrimer

Let's build a polyphenylene dendrimer

import biobuild as bb


benzene = bb.molecule("benzene")

# -----------------------------
#     make the periphery
# -----------------------------
periphery = benzene.copy()

# set up the linkage instructions
# always shifting the carbon at which to attach
link = bb.linkage("C1", "C1")
for carbon in range(1, 6):
    link.atom1 = f"C{carbon}"
    periphery.attach(benzene, link, at_residue=1)

# -----------------------------
#     assemble the molecule
# -----------------------------
mol = benzene.copy()

link2 = bb.linkage("C1", "C4")

# and attach the periphery to the core
for carbon in mol.get_atoms("C", by="element"):
    link2.atom1 = carbon
    mol.attach(periphery, link2, at_residue=1, other_residue=2)

# -----------------------------
#   optimize the conformation
# -----------------------------