This is a simple ruby on rails application where a one can create, view, update and delete quotes. The main point of this application is to learn and practise various ruby on rails and HotWire topics/features
- Ruby 3.1.2
- Ruby On Rails 7
- Hotwire:
- Turbo frames
- Turbo Streams
- Stimulus
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Clone all the files and branches into your local machine
- Run bin/setup to set up the application i.e: Install the gems, the JavaScript dependencies, create, migrate and seed the database.
- Run bin/rails db:migrate to run the migrations
- Ruby should be well installed and configured
- Ruby on Rails 7 should be installed
Once Configured, run bin/dev. This runs the 3 commands defined in Open 'http://localhost:3000/quotes' on your browser
👤 Nick
- GitHub: @Nkuria
- LinkedIn: Nick Kuria