- Create an external network to bind all the components together
docker network create sandbox
# Create local directories for mounting volumes
mkdir -p ${HOME}/volumes/pinot/zookeeper/data
mkdir -p ${HOME}/volumes/pinot/zookeeper/datalog
mkdir -p ${HOME}/volumes/pinot/controller
mkdir -p ${HOME}/volumes/pinot/server
mkdir -p ${HOME}/volumes/pinot/samples
## Start
docker-compose -f pinot-standalone.yml up -d
## Stop
docker-compose -f pinot-standalone.yml down
docker logs pinot-controller
docker exec -it pinot-controller bash
docker logs pinot-broker
docker exec -it pinot-broker bash
docker logs pinot-server
docker exec -it pinot-server bash
# Set up Zookeeper
mkdir -p ${HOME}/volumes/zookeeper
docker pull zookeeper:3.6.1
docker container run \
-p 30181:2181 \
--network=sandbox \
--name zookeeper-standalone \
--restart always \
-v ${ZK_HOME}/datalog:/datalog \
-v ${ZK_HOME}/data:/data \
-v ${ZK_HOME}/logs:/logs \
-d zookeeper:3.6.1
## Housekeeping
docker container logs zookeeper-standalone
docker container start zookeeper-standalone
docker container stop zookeeper-standalone
docker container rm zookeeper-standalone
docker container exec -it zookeeper-standalone bash
## Setup Kafka
mkdir -p ${HOME}/volumes/kafka/data
mkdir -p ${HOME}/volumes/kafka/samples
docker pull wurstmeister/kafka
docker container run -d \
-p 39092:9092 \
--name kafka-standalone \
--network sandbox \
-e KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=zookeeper-standalone:2181 \
-e ZK=zk \
-v ${HOME}/volumes/kafka/data:/kafka \
-v ${HOME}/volumes/kafka/samples:/opt/samples \
-t wurstmeister/kafka
## Housekeeping
docker container start kafka-standalone
docker container stop kafka-standalone
docker container rm kafka-standalone
docker container logs kafka-standalone -f
docker container exec -it kafka-standalone bash
- Once an offline segment is pushed to cover a recent time period :
- the brokers automatically switch to using the offline table for segments for that time period
- and use realtime table only for data not available in offline table
200,Lucy,Smith,Female,Maths,3.8,1570863600000 ( offline data )
1570863600000 - Saturday, 12 October 2019 07:00:00 1570863510000 - Saturday, 12 October 2019 06:58:30
Add a record with past timestamp in kafka
select * from transcript where studentID=200
You'll notice that only the record in offline table is being shown ( i.e. for 1570863600000 )
1571036400000 - Monday, 14 October 2019 07:00:00 1612151387000 - Monday, 1 February 2021 03:49:47
Add a record with latest timestamp in kafka
select * from transcript where studentID=200
You'll notice that a new record is being shown ( i.e. for 1612151387000 )
- The tenants section in both the OFFLINE and realtime tables must be same, otherwise HYBRID table would not be formed