Building a Simple Course Recommendation system for online courses
This system is a minimalistic system built on the idea to help learners navigate through the courses on Coursera, aided by a data-driven strategy. Currently, this system only performs the task of identifying the most similar and most dissimilar courses to a selected course that is chosen by the learner from a pool of courses relevant to the skills the learner is interested in.
For the purpose of building this system, data from Coursera was scraped using the requests and beautifulsoup4 libraries. The
file contains code for scraping data from and generates [coursera-courses-overview.csv]. The
file contains code to scrape details of each individual course and the output is [coursera-individual-courses.csv]
Both these above datasets have been combined to give [coursera-courses.csv]. This file consists of 1000 instances and 14 features and has a size of 1.41 MB.
The following features have been extracted for the dataset created above:
course_url: The URL to the course homepage
course_name: The name of the course
learning_product: The type of product that the instance is. It can be a course, professional certificate or a specialization. (While all instances of the dataset are referred to as courses , this is not be confused with the learning_product of a particular instance)
course_provided_by: The organization/partner that is providing the course
course_rating: Overall rating of the course
course_rated_by: The number of students who have rated the course
enrolled_student_count: The number of learners who have enrolled into this course
course_difficulty: The difficulty level of the course. It can take values of beginner, intermeditae, advanced and mixed
skills: The main skills that the course works at developing in a learner
description: About the course
percentage_of_new_career_starts: Percentage of learners who have had a new career start after completing this course
percentage_of_pay_increase_or_promotion: Percentage of learners who have had a pay increment or received a promotion after completing this course
estimated_time_to_complete: The estimated tome to complete the course
instructors: The instructors taking the course
In a nutshell this system can perform the following tasks:
- Select courses for you based on the skills you want to learn
- Recommend courses that are most similar and dissimilar to the course you select