Connect smart contracts with .NET through web APIs.
- Download project and restore Nugets
- Configure appsettings.json with your own details.
- Launch project.
Open cmd and in docker-compose.yml directory run:
- docker compose up -d --> Create and start docker container
- docker ps --> see all containers and check port
- open url: http://localhost:55757/swagger/index.html (port specified on command docker ps)
docker run --name my-redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis
To check if redis work you can test the following:
docker exec -it my-redis sh
- Clean architecture (Presentation layer has my controllers because I use Swagger as my UI)
- Generic Repository.
- Unit of Work.
- Entity framework.
- Api Gateway Pattern.
- Mediatr CQRS pattern.
Entity Framework:
Always target Infrastructure project from Default Project selection in Package Manager Console
Add-Migration "DB Initialize" -context PostgreSqlDbContext (context of your choice)
Update-Database -context PostgreSqlDbContext (context of your choice)
In order to compile a smart contract I am using visual studio code with solidity extension. After compilation I use ABI and bytecode from .json file.
I have create different controllers for different smart contracts:
- DeployAnyContract (deploy contract with or without parameters)
- CallContractVariable (call any variable in contract)
- CallReadFunction (call read functions in contract)
- CallWriteFunction (call write functions in contract)
- TrackCryptoWhalesForAnyToken (track "Transfer" event in any token of your choice)
- GetBlock
- GetAllTransactionOfABlock
- GetAllContractCreationTransactions
- Check balance
- Send ether/token to another wallet
- AllPairs
- GetReserves
- GetAmountsOut
- Approve
- SwapExactETHForTokens
- GetReserves (getPool, tokens and balanceOf)
- SwapExactTokensForTokens using Router02
- GetTokenData (using GraphQL)
- GetMostLiquidPools (using GraphQL)
- GetPoolData (using GraphQL) GetRecentSwapsWithinAPool using GraphQL)
Lottery smart contract
- Deploy
- GetRandomNumber
- GetPlayers
- GetBalance
- EnterLottery
- PickWinner
- Deploy ERC20 Token
- GetBalance
- Mint
- Approve
- Allowance
- DestroySmartContract
- Transfer
- IncreaseApproval
- DecreaseApproval
- Burn
- TransferFrom
- BurnFrom
- Deploy smart contract
- Mint NFT
In addition i use the following tools to convert ABI to string: and from multiline string to single line:
In order to test UniswapV3 get prices you can use the following addresses: WETH : 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48 DAI: 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F
Unit tests