This time, i'll make a todo list... But a todo list with clean architecture principle. Step by step, feature by feature, merge request by merge request, I'll make it functional and clean :)
- If you have an idea of a feature or a question, use the issue tab
- If you want to see the priorities of this biiiig project, use the project tab
- Conclusion of "problems" or choices will be explained on my blog
- The final result is available here
- I don't want to have a "css framework" to style the application. They really mess up the final code and I want to show you "pure" HTML code... And It's also dependencies that I haven't to update or "understand".
- First commits may not be "clean", but it will allow me to put an understandable base for all frontend develpers
- This project will be done in React because it's the last I used, not because it's my favorite :)
- Install all dependencies:
yarn init-dev
- Run test on all folders:
yarn test
- With React:
yarn start-react
- With Vue.js:
yarn start-vuejs
- With Angular:
yarn start-angular