Note: Before proceeding with the installation, it's advisable to uninstall or remove any existing DuckDB CLI versions that you may have installed manually or via brew.
For macOS and Linux, run the following command in your terminal:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
For Windows, run the following command in your powershell terminal:
Invoke-Expression (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri "").Content
# Install a specific version of DuckDB (this does not set the version as default)
duckman install 0.10.2
# Set a version of DuckDB as default one to use -> now running duckdb will run this version
duckman default 0.10.2
# Run a version of DuckDB
duckman run nightly
# List available DuckDB versions
duckman list remote
Generally, installing a version before running it or setting it as default is not necessary. If you want to run a version that is not installed, duckman will automatically download and install it for you.
A version manager for DuckDB
duckman [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
default Set a version of DuckDB as default one to use.
help Help about any command
install Install a specific version of DuckDB
list List available DuckDB versions. Use 'local' to list local versions and 'remote' to list remote versions.
run Execute a specific version of DuckDB
uninstall Uninstall a version of DuckDB
uninstall-self Removes duckman and all config files
update-self Updates duckman to the latest version
-h, --help help for duckman
-v, --version version for duckman
Use "duckman [command] --help" for more information about a command.
- Install golang ( if you haven't already
- Run the script to build binaries for all platforms. The binaries will be placed in the bin directory after the compilation is done.