SimpleCFG is a web application that generates control flow graphs from Python code and visualizes the execution path
Research on the background, utility, and implementation of the project can be found in this report: clone the repo and install npm/nodeIn the command line run: $ cd backend $ node server.js
and in a separate window of the root directory: $ npm start
Code window:
- The only implemented language is python3
- The file must contain a main function
- The standard output of the program can be viewed by pressing 'Output'
- More detail can be found by pressing the '?' icon
- The server will generate your CFG from the code widow when 'Generate'is pressed.
- Step through the program blocks using the left and right arrows, with associated code lines being highlighted in parallel
- Pressing 'Run' will run the whole program once, without line highlighting.
- Reset the execution, or expand into full screen with the respective icons.
Other Pages:
- Learn about what CFGs are by viewing the About page.
- To learn more about how you might use the application, visit the example problems page