Edge-X Python connector library for NexentaEdge and AWS using the S3 protocol
- S3 configuration for more than one S3 store
- signature computation based on configuration
- S3 URI access for GET,PUT, DELETE
Read in the configuration for accessing various S3 stores and other local data stores
from os.path import expanduser
from edgex_access import edgex_config
cfg_file = expanduser("~") + /.mys3config
edgex_cfg = edgex_config()
print(" Error loading " + cfg_file + " config file")
Each S3 store is represented as a edgex_store, so once the confuration is read, all the store instances are available
The configuration as a store marked as a primary S3 store.
primary_store = edgex_cfg.get_primary_store()
buckets = primary_store.list_buckets()
Each data object in any store is represented as an edgex_object. At the time of the object creation , only the name is used. The edgex_object uses the URI passed in and checks against the stores to determine which store this object is part of.
edgex_object parses the URI to determine which store and bucket this is a part of
edgex_access is a top level object which defines how each I/O operation is executed. All main I/O Operations are available as different methods in this class. e.g. list, delete, get, put
In addition to I/O operations, some execution can also be done using the threads in this pool
# define a callback when the operation is done
def my_cb(obj, result):
print(obj.pathname() + " " + str(result))
# let's get a aio session
session = aiobotocore.get_session(loop=loop)
# define the object
del_objname = "aws_s3://mybucket/file_foo.txt"
del_obj = edgex_object(edgex_cfg, logger, del_objname)
# access operation object
op = edgex_access(del_obj, logger)
# make it happen
deleted = await op.delete(session)
# let's wait on the callback
await my_cb(edgex_obj, deleted)
# define a callback when the operation is done
def my_cb(obj, result):
print(obj.pathname() + " " + str(result))
# let's get a aio session
session = aiobotocore.get_session(loop=loop)
# define the object
del_objname = "aws_s3://mybucket/file_foo.txt"
del_obj = edgex_object(edgex_cfg, logger, del_objname)
# access operation object
op = edgex_access(del_obj, logger)
# make it happen
info = await op.info(session)
# let's wait on the callback
await my_cb(edgex_obj, info)
As you can see the only difference between the above is
deleted = await op.delete(session)
info = await op.info(session)
primarily the operation used in edgex_access
Now that we have done a single object operations like delete and info, let's try to retrieve the object using get or place the object using put .
Here is a "GET" example:
# first we define the callback when
# we place the data buffer we got
def put_callback(obj, result):
print(obj.pathname() + " " + str(result))
# Now we define the callback to retrieve
# the buffer of the object we are trying to
# retrieve
def get_callback(session, logger, obj, databuf):
target_object = obj.arg
target_object.databuf = databuf
op = edgex_access(target_obj, logger)
put_obj = await op.put(session)
await put_callback(dest_obj, put_obj)
# start of the get operation
get_objname = "aws_s3://mybucket/file_foo.txt"
get_obj = edgex_object(edgex_cfg, logger, del_objname)
op = edgex_access(source_obj, s3elog)
databuf = await op.get(session)
await get_callback(session, logger, source_obj, databuf)
As you can see from the example above, the object data buffer is retrieved and placed locally to the desired location using the "get" method in edgex_access.
edgex_access is currently in development. Some of the features are missing and there are bugs Please refer to the 'Development Status" below.
You need Python 3.5 or later to use edgex_access. You can have multiple Python versions (2.x and 3.x) installed on the same system without problems.
In Ubuntu, you can install Python 3 like this:
$ sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip
Make sure you have Python3 installed. Please check the requirement.txt for a list of Python packages that should be pre-installed before edgex_access and s3edgex can be used.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python [ http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/writing/style/ ]
A simple CLI that uses the edgex_access module for command line access to the S3 stores
- Command line access to s3 web services using edgex access
- edgex_access is the Python class used by s3edgex
Just to get you up and running on your local machine for development and testing.
Install the edgex_access Python3 module
pip install edgex_access
Add your S3 stores and your home directory first
s3edgex setup
Edit the file ~/.s3edgex, and add your ACCESS and SECRET Keys for S3 store access Once you have added the S3 store configurations, check that they are available There is sample file under s3edgex/dot.s3edgex.sample in this git repo . Please use it as an example.
s3edgex store list
Make sure you have a Primary S3 store set. Here we are setting to a AWS-S3
s3edgex store primary AWS-s3
Let's upload a file to our primary S3 store
s3edgex put -l aws_s3://mybucket/file.txt file.txt
Now checkif it is there
s3edgex exists aws_s3://mybucket/file.txt
Let's get the file back with a different name
s3edgex get -l aws_s3://mybucket/file.txt foo.txt
Now make sure the checksums match for both the files
sum file.txt
sum foo.txt
Cleanup the files now
s3edgex del aws_s3://mybucket/file.txt
s3edgex del -l foo.txt
- nexenta - Initial work - edgex_pyconnector
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Thanks to dyusupov